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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeArticle Master Index
Newsletter Article Master


This page is a master list of all significant newsletter articles which have been published in the monthly "Waterline" newsletter, and which are available online.  Each entry shows the title and author, with year and month of publication. The title is a web link that can be clicked to go directly to the article to read it. If you're looking for something in particular, you can press the Ctrl and "F" keys, to get a pop-up "Find" box where you can enter a search keyword.

The purpose of this list is to make readers aware of past newsletter articles which do not go out of style with time. The web site does not provide the means to do a keyword search, so past articles can be difficult to locate, or to even know that they exist. It requires a laborious manual search of each and every month's newsletter, going back over many years. So, this index is designed to eliminate that problem, by making the list available in one place, such that it's easy to see what is available, and to get to it quickly.

The list is in reverse chronological order by the year and month.  Once you've located something you wish to read, click the article title to go to the article. Enjoy your reading!
         - John Rich


Article                       .                                                                                    Year        Month  
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2024    Feb 
Article    2024    Feb
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2024    Feb 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2024    Feb 
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett    2024    Feb 
New Photo Albums
  2024   Feb
Commodore's Corner, by Brent Hwang    2024    Jan
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2024    Jan 
Conservation Report 2023, by Tom Douglas    2024    Jan 
New Photo Album    2024    Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2024    Jan 
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett    2024    Jan
Commodores Corner, by Brent Hwang    2023    Dec 
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson    2023    Dec 
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023    Dec 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    Dec 
New Photo Album    2023    Dec 
2024 Board, by Christy Long   2023    Dec 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2023    Dec 
Safety Minute Rolling, by Harmon Everett    2023   Dec 
Thanksgiving Parade, by Tom Douglas    2023   Dec
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson    2023    Nov 
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023   Nov
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023   Nov 
New Photo Album
  2023    Nov 
Roy Edwards In Memoriam, by Harmon Everett   2023    Nov 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    Nov 
Puff the Tragic Catfish, by Ann Derby    2023    Nov 
Safety Minute Extraordinary Situations, by Harmon Everett
  2023   Nov
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson   2023   Oct
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2023    Oct 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    Oct 
New Photo Album    2023    Oct 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    Oct 
Safety Minute: When you need HELP from SPACE, by Harmon Everett
  2023    Oct 
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson   2023   Sept
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
2023 Sept
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    Sept 
New Photo Album    2023    Sept 
Houston Chronicle as a Resource, by Natalie Wiest    2023    Sept 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    Sept
Safety Minute--Wear Your PFD, by Harmon Everett
  2023   Sept
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson    2023    Aug 
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023    Aug 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    Aug 
Safety Minute Kick the Tires, by Harmon Everett    2023    Aug 
K-T Boundary, by Harmon Everett    2023    Aug
Religion? by Naomi Brown    2023    Aug 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    Aug 
New Photo Album    2023   Aug
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson    2023    July 
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023   July 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2023    July 
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett    2023    July 
Review of Speaker, by Harmon Everett    2023    July 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    July 
New Photo Album
  2023   July
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    June 
New Photo Album
  2023    June 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    June 
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2023    June
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson    2023   June
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett 2023   June
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023   May 
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson
  2023    May 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen    2023    May 
New Photo Album    2023    May 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
2023 May
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023    Apr 
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson   2023    Apr 
New Photo Album   2023    Apr 
Safety Minute-Wear Your PFD, by Harmon Everett
  2023    Apr 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2023    Apr
Will Blumentritt-In Memoriam
  2023   Apr
Commodore's Report, by Brent Hwang
  2023    Mar
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2023   Mar
New Photo Album
  2023   Mar
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2023   Mar
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson
  2023   Mar
Canoe Faster, by John Bartos
  2023   Mar
In-between Capsizes, by Naomi Brown
  2023   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2023   Mar
Safety Minute-TAO of Exercise, by Harmon Everett    2023   Mar
Commodore's Report, by Brent Hwang
  2023   Feb
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2023   Feb
Purser Report, by Bob Naeger
  2023   Feb
Fleet Captain Report, by Bruce Bodson 2023 Feb
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2023    Feb
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
2023 Feb
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2023   Feb
Tribute to Louis Aulbach, by Ken Anderson    2023   Feb
Tribute to Ray Driscoll, by John Bartos
  2023   Feb
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2023    Jan
Commodore's Report, by Brent Hwang   2023    Jan 
Fleet Captain Final 2022 report
2023 Jan
Elections, by Bruce Bodson    2023   Jan 
Louis Aulbach In Memoriam, by Natalie Wiest    2023    Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2023    Jan
List of Safety Minutes, by Harmon Everett
  2023   Jan
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2023    Jan
New Photo Album    2023   Jan 
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022    Dec
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   Dec
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas    2022   Dec
Elections, by Bruce Bodson
  2022   Dec
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett   2022    Dec
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   Dec
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   Nov
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Nov
Barry Bennick, by John Bartos
  2022   Nov
Bill Nixon, By Christy Long
  2022   Nov
New Photo Album
  2022   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters    2022   Nov
Safety Minute It isn't Over Until the Paperwork, by Harmon Everett
  2022   Nov
Last Meeting Minutes, Alice Nissen
  2022   Oct 
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022    Oct
New Photo Album
  2022    Oct
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   Oct
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2022   Oct
Texas’ Natural Springs, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Oct
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022    Sept
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022    Sept
Flooding in Houston, by Tom Douglas    2022    Sept
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022    Sept 
New Photo Album
  2022   Sept
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022    August
New Photo Album
  2022   August
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022    August
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   August
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   August
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   July 
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest    2022   July
HCC Club Picnic, by Christy Long
  2022   July
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   July
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   July
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   July
New Photo Album
  2022   July
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   June
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   June
When Old Boats Die, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   June
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   June
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   June
New Photo Album
  2022   June
New Photo Album
  2022   May
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   May
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   May
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen   2022   May
Houston Stronger, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Apr
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Apr
Webmaster, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   Apr
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   Apr
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   Apr
Mark Kramer, by Tom Douglas
  2022    Apr
Paddling Perspectives, by Ken Walters
  2022   Apr
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   Apr
New Photo Album
  2022   Apr
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   Mar
Education Corner: How to Kayak-For Beginners, by Bethany Carter
  2022   Mar
New Photo Album
  2022   Mar
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest
  2022   Mar
2021 100 Mile Award, by Christy Long
  2022   Mar
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   Mar
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   Mar
Understanding Sheldon Lake, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Mar
Last Meeting Minutes, by Alice Nissen
  2022   Feb
New Photo Album
  2022   Feb
100 Mile Award, by Christy Long
  2022   Feb
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Feb
Origin of HCC logo, by Christy Long
  2022   Feb
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   Feb
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2022   Feb
Education Corner: Colorado River, Wharton to Bay City, by Willie Younger   2022   Feb
Board Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2022   Jan
Nov Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2022   Jan
New Photo Album   2022   Jan
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2022   Jan
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest   2022   Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2022   Jan
New Photo Album    2021   Dec
Linda Shead Artist Boat Award, by Tom Douglas
  2021    Dec
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Dec
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett   2021   Dec
Water Conservation, by Tom Doulas   2021   Dec
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   Dec
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt
  2021   Nov
New Photo Album
  2021   Nov
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2021   Nov
Fleet Captain's Report, by Bruce Bodson
  2021   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021   Nov
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   Oct 
New Photo Album
  2021    Oct
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021   Oct
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2021   Oct
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Sept
Safety Minute, by Frank Ohrt
  2021   Sept
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2021   Sept
Fleet Report, by Bruce Bodson   2021   Sept
New Photo Albums
  2021   Sept
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   Sept
Commodore's Report, by Natalie Wiest   2021   August
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021   August
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2021   August
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   August
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021   July
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas   2021   July
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021    July
Helena vs The Gator   2021    June
Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021    June
Conservation, by Tom Douglas   2021    June
Annual Picnic, Alice Nissen   2021    June
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021    June
Conservation Report, by Tom Douglas
  2021   May
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt
  2021   May
Dear John, by Christy Long   2021   May
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2021   May
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   Apr
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Apr
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt
  2021   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Feb
Last Meeting Minutes, by Frank Ohrt   2021   Feb
Lost and Found, by John Rich
  2021   Feb
Safety Minute, by Harmon Everett
  2021   Jan
Last Meeting Minutes, By Frank Ohrt   2021    Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2021   Jan
In Memoriam: Mary Zaborowski
  2021   Jan
Club Election, by John Rich
Christmas Party, by Santa Claus
Commodore's Corner, by Natalie Wiest
Buffalo Bayou Improvements, by Natalie Wiest
Buffalo Bayou Flood Plans, by Tom Douglas
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
You Never Paddle the Same River Twice, by John Rich
  2020   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Oct
Buffalo Bayou East, by Trudi Smith
  2020   Oct
"A Remarkable Hunting Excursion"
  2020   Oct
Conservation Committee Report, by Tom Douglas
  2020   Oct
Facebook Membership, by John Rich
  2020   Oct
Brazos River I-10 Access, by John Rich
  2020   Sep
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Sep
Surface Water Quality, by Tom Douglas
  2020   Sep
Conservation Committee Report, by Tom Douglas
  2020   Sep
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Aug
Spring Creek Watershed Partnership
  2020   Jul
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Jul
Canoe Art, by Holly Sessions
  2020   Jul
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2020   Jun
Canoe Transport Law, by John Rich
  2020   May
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   May
Beware of the Snails!, by John Rich
  2020   Apr
San Marcos River Rescue, by Tom Goynes
  2020   Apr
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Apr
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Mar
2019 Paddler Awards, by Natalie Wiest
  2020   Mar
Reading List, by John Rich
  2020   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Feb
Christmas Party, by John Rich
  2020   Jan
Old Rendezvous Videos, by John Rich
  2020   Jan
Wild & Scenic Film Festival, by Bob Naeger & Tom Douglas
  2020   Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2020   Jan
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Dec
Christmas Party
  2019   Dec
Club Election
  2019   Dec
Help Cypress Creek, by Tom Douglas
  2019   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Nov
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Oct
Wanted: Webmaster
  2019   Oct
Board Meetings, by John Rich
  2019   Oct
HCC Election
  2019   Sep
Club Picnic
  2019   Sep
HCC Library
  2019   Sep
Presentation on the Rio Grande, by Louis Aulbach & Linda Gorski
  2019   Sep
Learning to Roll, by David Jacobs
  2019   Sep
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Sep
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Aug
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Jul
What Constitutes a Better Boat Launch, by Natalie Wiest
  2019   Jul
How Lake Charlotte got to be the way it is, by Tom Douglas
  2019   Jul
Safety Minute - Skin Cancer, by Harmon Everett
  2019   Jul
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2019   Jun
Safety Minute - Sun Sensitive Medications, by Harmon Everett   2019   Jun
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   May
Safety Minute - Waterfalls, by Harmon Everett
  2019   May
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters   2019   Apr
Artificial Intelligence, Fiction by David Portz
  2019   Apr
A 14th Century Canoe, by Linda Gorski   2019   Apr
How did the "Brazos" River get its name?, by John Rich
  2019   Mar
Whiskey Boat, Fiction by David Portz
  2019   Mar
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2019   Mar
ACA Dues Change, by Bob Naeger
  2019   Mar
2018 Paddler Awards, by Natalie Wiest
  2019   Mar
Whop Down and Punch Face, Fiction by David Portz
  2019   Feb
Your Cosmic Paddling Questions Answered, by Kent Walters
  2019   Feb
What's Up?, by Dan Roy
  2019   Feb
Paddling in the Wind, by Paul Woodcock
  2019   Feb
"Missouri", by John Rich
  2019   Feb
Bill Grimes Memorial
  2019   Jan
Marilyn Peery Memorial
  2019   Jan
Canoe Counselor, Fiction by David Portz
  2019   Jan
Camp Kakinihay, Fiction by David Portz
  2018   Dec
Texas Wildlife Alliance,
  2018   Dec
Paddling Perspectives, by Kent Walters
  2018   Nov
Brazos Throwback, Fiction by David Portz
  2018   Nov
Martha Hulsebosch-Williams Memorial
  2018   Oct
Humboldt, Fiction by David Portz
  2018   Oct
Mad-Lib Format of Trip Report, by David Portz
  2018   Sep
Dave Kitson Memorial
  2018   Sep
"Cactus Jack" Garner, by John Rich
  2018   Sep
Safety Minute - Good Advice, by Bruce Bodson
  2018   Sep
Safety Minute - Snakes on a Boat, by Harmon Everett
  2018   Sep
My Rights... Their Rights... Who's Right?, by Leonard Hulsebosch - Part 3
  2018   Aug
My Rights... Their Rights... Who's Right?, by Leonard Hulsebosch - Part 2
  2018   Jul
My Rights... Their Rights... Who's Right?, by Leonard Hulsebosch - Part 1
  2018   Jun
Texas Twelve Eighteen, Fiction by David Portz
  2018   May
The Pee Bottle, by John Rich
  2018   May
Linda Shead Wins Conservation Award
  2018   May
President Trump's Kayak Tariff
  2018   Apr
Ask the Paddler
  2018   Apr
Safety Minute: The Runs on the Water, by Harmon Everett
  2018   Apr
Waste Containment System Update, by Harmon Everett
  2018   Apr
San Marcos River Warning
  2018   Apr
2017 Paddler Awards, by Natalie Wiest
  2018   Apr
Drown Proof Yourself! (Part III), by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2018   Apr
Rumor Has It, by David Portz
  2018   Mar
River Math: Estimating River Speed, by John Rich
  2018   Mar
Waste Containment and Transport System, by Harmon Everett
  2018   Mar
Can't Swim? Not To Worry - Drown Proof Yourself! (Part II), by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2018   Mar
15 Pounds, and What Do You Get? by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2018   Feb
Canoe Launch Review (Brazos Bend State Park), by John Rich
  2018   Feb
Confessional Trip Report, by David Portz
  2018   Feb
Call for Cover Photos, by John Rich
  2018   Jan
Guidelines for a Trip Leader, by Louis Brosius
  2018   Jan
The Greatest Comedian of All Time, by Harmon Everett
  2017   Dec
Winter Boating - Be Afraid!, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Dec
More on PFDs, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Nov
Gear Tip: The Hat Float, by John Rich
  2017   Nov
Warning: Flying Fish Hooks!, by John Rich
In Memoriam: Chester Tigard, by Conan Tigard
Aztec Canoeing, by John Rich
  2017   Oct
Tripping Canoe, by Paul Woodcock
  2017   Oct
Your PFD, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Oct
Historic Houston
  2017   Sep
Increase Your Enjoyment, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Sep
River Courtesy, by Leonard & Martha Hulsebosch
  2017   Aug
Gear Tip: The Bailing Sponge
  2017   Aug
Gear Tip: Canoe Security, by John Rich
  2017   Jul
River Running - and More!, by Martha & Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Jul
Gear Tip: Strap Hum, by John Rich
  2017   Jun
River Running - and More!, by Martha & Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Jun
Gear Tip: The Safety Knot, by John Rich
  2017   May
Reflections of a Trip Leader, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   May
Observations of a Trip Leader, by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2017   Apr
Gear Review: C-Tug, by John Rich
  2017   Apr
Houston's National Canoe Museum
  2017   Apr
Calvin Coolidge Canoeing, by John Rich
  2017   Mar
HCC Library
  2017   Feb
Gear Tip: The Bailer, by John Rich
  2017   Jan
The Origin of the word "Tump", by John Rich
  2016   Dec 
The Origin of the word "Painter", by John Rich
  2016   Nov
"Paddle your Own Canoe" by Sarah Bolton
  2016   Nov
The Origin of the word "Gunwale", by John Rich
  2016   Oct
The Witching Ways of the Canoe, 1945   2016   Aug
The Outdoor Girls on a Canoe Trip, by John Rich
  2016   Jul
The Song of Hiawatha, by H.W. Longfellow
  2016   Apr
Coping with Cold Weather, by John Ohrt
  2015   Dec
Winter Boating - Be Afraid! by Leonard Hulsebosch
  2015   Dec
The Rendezvous Song, by Ann Derby
  2015   Oct
Nature Nook: Texas Alligator Lizard, by John Rich
  2015   Aug
Tom Thomson, Artist & Canoeist, by John Rich
  2015   May
Terry Hershey Park, by John Rich
  2015   Feb
Mayoral Proclamation by Annise Parker
  2014   Oct
Maid of the Mist, by John Rich
  2014   Aug
The Water Moccasin, by John Rich
  2014   Aug
Buttonbush, by Natalie Wiest
  2014   Jul
The Coyote, by Paul Woodcock
  2014   Jun
USCG Boating Safety Report
  2014   Jun
Canoecopia, by Ken Anderson
  2014   Mar
The Wood Stork, by Paul Woodcock   2014   Apr
History of the SW Canoe Rendezvous, by John Bartos
  2014   Apr
Pickerel Weed, by John Rich
  2014   Mar
The River Otter, by Paul Woodcock   2014   Feb
"The Old Canoe", by George T. Marsh
  2014   Feb
What do Bass Eat and Why do Mullet Jump? by Chris Arceneaux 
  2014   Jan
Classing of Paddlers and Streams, by Natalie Wiest
  2014   Jan
Fred Hurd, In Memorium
  2013   Dec
Black Bellied Whistlng Ducks, by Paul Woodcock
  2013   Dec
The Steam-Powered Canoe, by John Rich   2013   Nov
"The Flying Canoe", by Honoré Beaugrand
  2013   Oct
"Outdoor Sports and Games", 1911, by Claude Miller
  2013   Sep
"The Indian Canoe", by John Lienhard
  2013   Aug
"How to Build a Canoe", by Hiawatha
  2013   Aug
Maligiaq Padilla, by Cindy Bartos
  2013   Jul
San Marcos River Politics, by Tom Goynes
  2013   May
Windcocking, by Paul Woodcock
  2013   Feb
Put Some Spice in your River and Camping Trips, by Mary Zaborowski
  2013   Feb
Confessions of a Trip Leader, by Paul Woodcock
  2013   Jan
Fort Bend Green, by Natalie Wiest
  2012   Dec
"Canoeing and Kayaking Houston Waterways"
  2012   Dec
Armand Bayou Watershed Partnership, by Natalie Wiest
  2012   Nov
Texana, Texas: An Underwater Ghost Town, by John Rich
  2012   Nov
"Not the Destination", by Harmon Everett
  2012   Nov
"What to do When Lost in the Woods", by the U.S. Forest Service
  2012   Oct
Civil War Blockade Running on the Texas Gulf Coast
  2012   Oct
The Flyak: a Flying Kayak
  2012   Oct
An Eskimo Parka, by Dana Enos
  2012   Oct
Paddlecraft of Native Alaskans, by Natalie Wiest
  2012   Oct
Atkinson Island Canoe Trail
  2012   Sep
NOAA Water Gauges, by Louis Aulbach
  2012   Sep
Day Hikes in the Big Bend Ranch State Park, by Louis Aulbach
  2012   Sep
Canoeing & Kayaking in the Olympics, by John Rich
  2012   Aug
"How Low Sodium Kills", by Fraser Baker
  2012   Jul
Neches National Wild and Scenic River, by John Bartos
  2012   Jul
Bob Arthur Canoe Launch, by Steve Hupp & John Bartos
  2012   Jun
"The Painted Stone", by Charles Zipprian
  2012   Jun
"A Good Use for River Rocks", by Paul Woodcock
  2012   Jun
Campfire Tales: "The Tree Climber", by Paul Woodcock
  2012   Jun
HCC Archives Project, by John Rich
  2012   May
"The Yellow Paddle", by Paul Woodcock
  2012   May
"Redneck Multi-Tool", by Paul Woodcock
  2012   May
The Devil's River State Natural Area, by John Bartos
  2012   Apr
Warning: Piranha in Buffalo Bayou, by John Rich
  2012   Apr
Book Review: "Paddle to the Amazon", by John Rich
  2012   Apr
Book Review: "Fearless: One Woman, One Kayak, One Continent"
  2012   Apr
Canoes in Comics, by John Rich
  2012   Apr
Canoes in Product Advertising, by John Rich
  2012   Mar
"Spoonitis", by Mark Pusateri
  2012   Mar
Houston Canoe Club History, by Greg Walker
  2012   Mar
Tough Take-Outs, by Paul Woodcock and Dana Enos
  2012   Mar
First Annual Texas Water Safari, by Jeannine Maughmer Miller
  2012   Feb
New Book: "Buffalo Bayou: An Echo of Houston's Wilderness Beginnings"
  2012   Feb
Brazos River Water Grab, by Ed Lowe, Friends of the Brazos
  2012   Feb
The Mystery of the Reeking Regatta Belt Buckle, by Linda Gorski
  2012   Feb
Crab Trap Cleanup, by Cassidy Johnson
  2012   Feb
Bob Arthur Memorial and Canoe Launch Dedication, by Cindy Bartos
  2012   Jan
New Book: "Voyages of Malolo", by Robert Bonville
  2012   Jan
In Memory of Bob Arthur
  2011   Dec
Road Safety, by Charles Zipprian
  2011   Dec
The Origin of the HCC Logo, by Warren Maull
  2011   Nov
Book Review: "Sandbars and Sternwheelers", by John Rich
  2011   Oct
Council bans beer on the Comal and Guadalupe, by Christy Long
  2011   Oct
Photo: Kayaker in Mouth of Whale, by John Rich
  2011   Oct
Special Boating Report, by the Outdoor Industry Association
  2011   Oct
Toledo Bend Whitewater, by Roman Ryder
  2011   Oct
What is the origin of the word "kayak"?, by John Rich
  2011   Aug
Book Review, by Paul Woodcock: "Once Upon a River"
  2011   Aug
What is the origin of the word "canoe"?, by John Rich
  2011   Jul Launch Sites Map, by John Rich
  2011    Jun
Photo Management, by John Rich
  2011   May
Water Pact, by John Bartos
  2011   Apr
Poetry, by Jody Young
  2011   Apr
Newsletter Story Submission Guidelines, by John Rich
  2011   Apr
Crocs Spotted in Brazos River!
  2011   Apr
Use Winter Days to Prepare for Next Season, by Mary Zaborowski
  2011   Feb
A Note from the Commodore, by Ken McDowell
  2011   Jan
Web Site Traffic, by John Rich
  2011   Jan
Black Eyed Peas, by Linda Gorski
  2011   Jan
Book Review: The Mariscal Canyon Dead, by Linda Gorski
  2011   Jan
Dedication Set for Four East Texas Paddling Trails
  2011   Jan
Found: 250-Year-Old Canoe
  2011   Jan
Newsletter Photo Viewing, by John Rich
  2010   Dec
Voyageur Canoeing in the Pacific Northwest, by Sharon Colht
  2010   Dec
Jax Restaurant, by John Rich
  2010   Dec
Fuel Economy, by John Rich
  2010   Nov
The Cooler, by Ken Anderson
  2010   Nov
Book Review: "Death in Big Bend", by Linda Gorski
  2010   Nov
Devils River Land Swap
  2010   Nov
River Recipe: Mariscal Mountain Muffin Cake, by Louis Aulbach
  2010   Oct
Book Review: "Rivers Running Free", by Linda Gorski
  2010   Oct
Blue Collar Angel, by Robert Langley
  2010   Sep
''Camping Out'', by Ernest Hemingway
  2010   Sep
Do It Yourself Canoe D-Rings, by Karen Baker-Jarvis
  2010   Sep
Extremes, by Skip Johnson
  2010   Sep
Items that you Should Carry in your Boat for a Safe Trip, by Ken McDowell
  2010   Jul
HCC Participates in KBR Kids Day on Buffalo Bayou, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jul
Great Unknown of the Rio Grande Presentation at REI, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jul
Response from Harris Country Precinct 4
  2010   Jul
Up Hondo Creek -- Without a Paddle, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jul
''Before You Go On a Canoe Trip, Learn Canoeing'', by Ernest Hemingway
  2010   Jul
The Wall of Honor, by Charles Zipprian
  2010   Jun
Buffalo Bayou nears National Heritage status, by Bob Arthur
  2010   Jun
Places to Paddle in the Houston Area, by Natalie Wiest
  2010   Jun
A Letter to Harris County Commissioner Jerry Eversole, by Ken McDowell
  2010   Jun
Texas Co-op Power Magazine: Devils River, by Jody Horton
  2010   Jun
Builder's Corner: Hand Tools, by Milton ''Skip'' Johnson
  2010   Jun
I Wanna Check you For Ticks, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jun
River Recipes - Ham and Potato Bake, by Louis Aulbach
  2010   May
Buffalo Bayou History - Monument Circle, by Louis Aulbach
  2010   May
HCC Partners with Tour de Hood on Buffalo Bayou, by Linda Gorski
  2010   May
HCC Member inspires New Chapel at Pecan Park Retreat, by Linda Gorski
  2010   May
Book Review: ''River Horse'' by William Least Heat-Moon, by John Rich
  2010   Apr
Rehab Paddling, by Paul Woodcock
  2010   Apr
Snippets from the Club's History, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Apr
 Army Corps of Engineers & HCC sign Memo of Understanding, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Apr
Pieldos, by By Charles Zipprian
  2010   Apr
On Power Tools, by Milton ''Skip'' Johnson
  2010   Apr
Warning for Boquillas Canyon Paddlers, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Apr
HCC Member Accepts ''Proud Partner'' Award, by John Bartos
  2010   Apr
Commodore's Column, by Bill Grimes
  2010   Apr
Book Review - ''Skiff Song'' by Annie Holmes, by Donna Grimes
  2010   Mar
''Red Hand'', by Charles Zipprian
  2010   Mar
Buffalo Bayou Walking Tour, by Linda Gorski   2010   Mar
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson
  2010   Mar
Snippets from the Club's History, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Mar
A Canoeing Good Luck Charm, by John Rich
  2010   Feb
Houston Canoe Club Logo Shirts, by Donna Grimes
Book Review - ''Borderline'' by Nevada Barr, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Feb
River Recipes - Christmas Party Cornbread, by Bob Arthur
  2010   Feb
River Recipes - Colorado Canyon Jambalaya, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Feb
Canoe Pooling, by Billy Welborn
  2010   Feb
100-Mile Paddler Awards, by Donna Grimes
  2010   Feb
How to make your own paddle, by Skip Johnson
  2010   Feb
Book Review for kids - Kayak Anna and the Palindrome Creek, by Lina Lukashevich
  2010   Feb
What do your editors do when they are not paddling?, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Feb
Time Traveler, by Charles Zipprian
  2010   Feb
Seasons Greetings from your local Brewery - circa 1912!, by Louis Aulbach   2010   Jan
HCC Annual Christmas Party - in Photos!, by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jan
New Years Message from the Editor(s), by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jan
Houston Canoe Club Meeting Locations, by Bob Arthur
  2010   Jan
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson
  2010   Jan
Book Review - "The Tecate Journals - 70 Days on the Rio Grande", by Linda Gorski
  2010   Jan
River Recipes - Trans Pecos Chicken, by Louis Aulbach
  2010   Jan
HCC Officers for 2010, by Donna Grimes
  2010   Jan
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 21)
  2009   Dec
The Poop Tube, by John Rich
  2009   Nov
Porch Sittin' at Stillwell Store in the Big Bend, by Linda Gorski (page 12)
  2009   Nov
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 7)
  2009   Nov
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 15)
  2009   Oct
Psychedelica on the Bayou, by Linda Gorski and Louis Aulbach (page 9)
  2009   Oct
What our Members Do When They Can't Paddle, by Linda Gorski (page 7)
  2009   Oct
USGS Water Gauges, by John Rich
  2009   Sep
Boat Builders Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 21)
  2009   Sep
HCC Board members, by Linda Gorski (page 20)i
  2009   Sep
Farewell to a Paddler: Joe Butler, by Louis Aulbach (page 19)
  2009   Sep
Plain Tales of the North 1905-1925, by Capt. Thierry Mallet
  2009   Sep
The Bow Saw - A Handy River Tool, by John Rich
Boat Builder's Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 14)
  2009   Aug
Frayed Ropes, by John Rich
  2009   Jul
HCC Library (page 10), by John Rich
  2009   Jul
One Man's Trash..., by John Rich
  2009   Jun
Sam Houston Park on Buffalo Bayou, by Louis Aulbach
  2009   Jun
LaSalle Odyssey - a great summer trip for the family, by Linda Gorski
  2009   Jun
Helpful Hints - Gorilla Tape and Super Glue, by Linda Gorski
  2009   Jun
TPWD Opens Three New Paddle Trails, by Linda Gorski
  2009   Jun
Boat Builders Corner - Getting Started, by Skip Johnson
  2009   Jun
Dragon Boat Races at Allen's Landing, by Sereniah Breland (page 16)
  2009   May
The Final Paddle: Farewell to Nancy Burns, by Linda Gorski (page 15)
  2009   May
Why I Paddle: Commodore's Inaugural Message, by Bill Grimes (page 13)
  2009   May
Boat Builders Corner, by Skip Johnson (page 11)
  2009   May
New Rules for Disposing Human Waste on Rio Grande by Linda Gorski (page 9)
  2009   May
Vintage Wagon Wheel Found on Buffalo Bayou, by Gorski & Aulbach (page 7)
  2009   May
Skip Johnson, Avid Boat Builder, by Linda Gorski (page 6)
  2009   Apr
Buffalo Bayou Paddling Trail Dedication, by Linda Gorski (page 7)
  2009   Apr
Goodbye to a River... or a Couple - Anne & John Olden, by Bill Grimes (page 13)
  2009   Apr
Buffalo Bayou's Art of Henry Moore, by Louis Aulbach & Linda Gorski (page 6)
  2009   Feb
The Galveston Bay Foundation, by John Bartos (page 8)
  2009   Feb
Backwater Backwash, by Cecilia Gill (page 9)
  2009   Feb
More Years Under Construction...        