HCC Newsletter
August, 2001
Newsletter, 906k Pdf document, click the image below:

Houston Canoe Club Officer's Meeting
Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Commodore, Fraser Baker. Officers present were Marilyn Peery, Recorder, Cheryl Cleary, Fleet Captain, Donna Grimes, Newsletter Editor, and Mary Carter, Mark Andrus and Bill Grimes, Governors.
The ACA has designated $45,000 for grant money to be used to promote safety and education. Groups may apply for grants up to $5,000 for this purpose. The deadline is Nov. 2nd. This information was turned over to the Hulsebosch committee.
Keith Hawkins, a canoe guide at Martin Dies State Park wants help to upgrade his canoe certification. This information will be forwarded to John Bartos and Lillian Tigard.
The August program will be a joint auction with HCC and BCWC. Ken Barnard and Skip Donovan will auction gear brought by members. Proceeds will be donated to TRPA.
Cheryl is working on the mileage report. She will ask on the listbot whether trip leaders should receive double miles and do what most respondents want.
Candy sent word that there has been almost no change in the treasury since last meeting.
REI has requested half-page fliers of information on HCC. Cheryl will work on this.
At the August meeting, we will call attention to the dues increase proposal in the Aug. newsletter and inform members that discussion and voting will take place at the September meeting.
The newsletter and roster went to the mailing service today and the e-mail version will be ready soon.
Bill and Mary still intend to do the inventory but have had problems with dates to do this.
Fraser will ask John Bartos or Mary Carter to inform the membership about a power plant taking water from Caddo Lake.
The meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery
Houston Canoe Club General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2001
The meeting was called to order by the Commodore, Fraser Baker. He introduced the officers present, Vice Commodore Lillian Tigard, Recorder Marilyn Peery, Purser Candy Donahue, Newsletter Editor Donna Grimes, Fleet Captain Cheryl Cleary, and Governors Mary Carter, Mark Andrus and Bill Grimes. Visitors were introduced. There were 69 people present.
Cheryl Cleary gave the Fleet Captain’s report.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
Candy reported that $690 was collected last meeting for the Red Cross Flood Relief Fund and there is presently $23,577.64 in the club treasury. She also reported that last year the club took in $3,700 excluding Rendezvous profits. We spent $6,500 in donations, $1,773 for the newsletter and $1,300 for storage rent. We went in the hole $9,400 this year. A 3 year analysis showed a loss of about $12-15 per member, per year, for operating expenses. She repeated the announcement in the newsletter that next meeting we will discuss and vote on an increase in dues to $25 per year.
John Bartos gave a conservancy committee report on the Caddo Lake issue. The City of Marshall wants to sell incoming water rights to Entegy who will draw up to 5 million gallons per day from water headed for Caddo Lake. Right now we will continue watching developments on this issue.
Jim Null reported that, due to the inability of Huntsville State Park to control the hydrilla in Lake Raven, it is impossible to hold the 2001 Rendezvous at that site. He showed maps and pictures of an alternate site at the Fluor Office Park on Oyster Creek in Sugar Land and announced that, pending final approval from Fluor, the event will be held there. The approval will be final next week. Otherwise it will be postponed.
After the meeting there will be a joint HCC/BCWC auction of gear. The profits will go to the Texas River Protection Association.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery