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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2011-05 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2011
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: John Ohrt

As Commodore Ken McDowell was out of town, Vice-Commodore Joe Coker called the meeting to order.

Officers were introduced. Honey Leveen introduced guests and a new member. Our excellent library was mentioned as an information source that the members should take advantage of.

Paul Woodcock gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Past trips included Sims Bayou, Village Creek, Armand Bayou, the Buffalo Bayou Regatta, Brazos River, Pelican Island, and the Armand Bayou and Buffalo Bayou cleanups. Upcoming trips included a Tiki Island cleanup, Colorado River at Bay City, Memorial Day on the Sabine, Ratcliff Lake, Sandfest at Port Aransas, and skills and leader training at Hidalgo Falls. As always, check the club web site for the complete schedule.

Paul Woodcock gave a safety minute on making sure you have all necessary medications plus extras on trips.

John Ohrt gave the minutes of the March meeting which were accepted as read.

Harmon gave a financial report.

Paul Woodcock made a motion that when the club CD comes due this summer that the club donate $1,000 to the TRPA fund supporting an increase of access in Martindale on the San Marcos River. This access would include enlarging an existing park in Martindale, a canoe/kayak loading space at Sculls crossing, and steps on the east side of Sculls crossing if the west side gets fenced off. It was seconded and during discussion it came up that there was a one week time limit on donations. Harmon stated that the club had sufficient funds in the general checking account to make such a donation now. Therefore, the motion was amended to “The Houston Canoe Club will donate the sum of $1,000 to TRPA for the Martindale Access fund.” This was seconded and it passed on a vote.

Joe Coker discussed an upcoming skills training class to be presented by Patti Carrothers at Hidalgo Falls on May 7th, and partially underwritten by the club’s Safety and Education Fund. He is limiting it to ten people.

Greg Walker discussed the club web site. Currently members’ information is not visible to trip coordinators so they do not always know how to contact participants if there is a change of plan. Greg and the officers proposed making each member’s e-mail and phone number visible for this purpose. However, due to some member’s objections this change was put on hold, and Greg will send out a message to all club members on how to make this information visible if they would like it to be.

Paul Woodcock gave out the 100-mile awards from 2010.

The program was a presentation of the informative DVD “Practical Kayaking”.

There were about 30 people attending the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.