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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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Homenl-2022-04 9 San Marcos River Cleanup

San Marcos River Cleanup
From San Marcos River Retreat to Sculls Crossing
March 4 - 6, 2022
by Christy Long
Revised text in red.


San Marco River Retreat


Sculls Road

Fees or Permits

Free Launch for Cleanup volunteers


190 cfs on USGS 08171400, near Martindale


70 deg F


Cloudy, warm, gray




Little wind


Christy Long

HCC Participants at Cleanup

Christy Long, Peggy Schneider, Amy McGee, Dave Potter, Robert Langley, Frank Ohrt, Greg Fan, Pharr Smith




4 canoe, 4 kayaks

River Miles


HCC Club River Miles


Road Miles

170 From Pearland, Tx to San Marcos.


Rivers and Rapids by Bob Narramore and Ben Nolen


HCC Facebook site


Free dinner for cleanup volunteers


The Great Texas River Cleanup - Texas Rivers Protection Association (

As with other cleanups, this one has freebies to entice people to drive more than 150 miles to pick up other people’s trash.

e free night of camping for volunteers, is offered by San Marcos River Retreat and Shady Grove campground.

A free T-shirt with a new design.

One ticket for a free beer.

One free dinner is always delicious with too many desserts to try without getting a stomachache.

Fri, Mar 4, 2022 –Several of us met a San Marcos River Retreat in sites 9, 10, and 11 to set up tents and RVs. After dinner we had a lovely campfire. stories about our day on the river

Sat, Mar 5
- I picked up trash bags for our group. Eight club members and five non club members participated on this section of the river. The nonmembers were excellent volunteers and I hope to see them next year. This year, as with last year, Kevin Hutchison, owner of Hill Country Flyfishers, an outfitter with a commercial raft joined our group. He took the bigger and heavier items. This allowed the kayakers and canoeist to fill more bags because there was plenty of room in the raft. 

We got on the water around 10 am and got off around 2pm. We were able to pick up trash while in the boat but had to hop out of the boat on occasion.
IMG 5645

From Left: Frank Ohrt, Greg Fan, Kevin Hutchison (outfitter), Peggy Schneider, nonmember, nonmember, Dave Potter, Amy Mcgee, Robert Langley, nonmember, nonmember,
kneeling nonmember

We were cleaned up and at the Chapel by 5:00pm. The brisket, beans, potato salad was wonderful. Drinks and dessert are also provided.

Greg Fan, Pharr Smith, Amy McGee, and Robert Langley left for home.

After dinner the campers went back to our site for another great campfire and told stories about our day on the river.

Sun, Mar 6-Peggy, Dave, Donna Grimes, Jaqueline Webster, Frank Ohrt, and I slowly packed up, had breakfast and coffee, and sat around discussing the weekend. We all left the campground before noon.

The weather was gray and cloudy all weekend but very comfortable.

The author, Christy Long