HCC History
by Marie Hurd
Out of the box of archived newsletters was discovered another document detailing the Houston Canoe Club history. The pages were hand-typed, and I have scanned them into digital form, and run them through optical character recognition to turn them into text. That text is faithfully reproduced and posted below for your education and enjoyment, and to make it searchable on the internet. I'll bet you learn a few things about the club that you never knew before!
Note that this was a four page document, but most unfortunately, page three is missing. If anyone has a copy of this missing page, please contact the newsletter editor. He would love to have a copy to complete this set here.
1964 - 1985
October 7, 1964, in the Assembly room of the Park Place Sub-Police Station, an interested group of canoeists was called to a special meeting, by Jimmy Jones, to organize a Canoe Club. A slate of officers were nominated as follows: Jimmy Jones, Commodore, Fred Hurd, Vice Commodore, and Jo Anne Hurd as Recorder-Purser. These officers were elected by acclamation. Jimmy Jones at this time was acting as Chairman. Marie Hurd took over as Rec.-Pur. in the latter part of the year.
The name C.A.T. Canoe Assn. of Tex. was discussed, but the name decided on was to be the Houston Canoe Club as we did not want to be a Club governing the entire state of Texas. On October 28, 1964, a special meeting was called to order to discuss and draw up a Constitution and By Laws. The following members served on the Board of Governors: Lyn Maughmer, Homer Liddell, and J.L. Bludworth. At the Nov. 3, 1964 meeting an emblem and pennant, designed by Lyn Maugher, were voted on and accepted by club members. The colors were to be red, white, and royal blue. The emblem of the club was to be a Bobcat paddling a canoe. The pennant of the club was triangular in shape, two units high by three units long. It has a white field and blue border with a Bobcat portaging a red canoe. It was decided on by members that all memberships paid by March 1, 1965 were to be Charter Members, this being our annual meeting. The following were listed as Charter Members according to payment of dues in following order:
1. Fred Hurd
2. Kenny Hurd
3. Lyn Maughmer
4. Bobby Suttle
5. Dwane Dutoit
6. Dr. E.L. Burnett
7. James H. Jones
8. Homer Liddell
9. James A. Jenkins
(Page 2, missing)
The Club was INC. in 1975 and an ID number was given. In 1972, a memorial gift in Art Turner's (president - 1972) name was given in the amount of $200.00 towards the purchase of Armands Bayou. Another $100.00 was given, after the club held Armand Bayou Day and Outing, with donations from members and friends, which was sent to be held as pay for the land and development. Members paid and built a pier in 1975 at Armands Bayou to make canoeing a little easier for guests, as well as members, to launch our canoes.
The start of the Cruise for the Blind was May 15, 1976 by the Canoe Club in conjunction with the USCA Texas Delegation. It was also held the following years: May 14, 1977, May 13, 1978 and May, 1979. The Houston Canoe Club and River Rec. Assn. of Texas sponsored the Cruises for the Blind in May, 1981 and 1982.
We helped with Special Olympics for the mentally retarded for two years, and helped sponsor, with the Texas Delegation of USCA, Cruises on the Rio Grande River for several years. Members have helped with clean-ups on Buffalo Bayou, Guadalupe and San Marcus Rivers. We've held cruises with the Bayou Preservation Assn. (for clean-ups) and also with the Houston Outdoor Nature Clubs. We were once a member of the Preservation Club. For several years, we were part of the St. Patrick's Day dyeing of Buffalo Bayou Green and canoed guests down the bayou.
We always held beach outings at Galveston, either on the beach or renting cabins. These were on West beach and later at Galveston State Park.
The Houston Canoe Club has been a member of USCA as well as having members serve as officers, Dee Payton as Vice President in 1976 and dele gates: Wayne Walls, Pat Simmons, Georgina Simmons, Nova Hall, and Wesley Liles. These members attended meetings as well as conventions. Wesley Liles not only gave helpful suggestions but canoed with Park Committee members working toward the purchase and development of Cypress Creek Park. Wesley also held a day cruise with the Bayou Preservation Society on Buffalo Bayou as a future project for cleaning, clearing and preserving it for the beautification of Houston.
The Club has one Life membership which was given to the Maughmer's Family, and several honorary memberships: Frank Buck, Father Sullivan, Burt Reynolds and Mayor Fred Hoefheinz.
In the summer of 1973, the club voted to send $200.00 to the Trinity River Task Forces to keep the Trinity River hopefully from becoming the Trinity River Barge Canal. An extra $600.00 was taken up at this time from personal donations. Again we were trying to save Lake Charlotte and hundreds of acres of wildlife habitats as the club sent donations to help combat this Wallisville Project. (1983) Donations have also been sent to ORC to try to help save the Ocoee River and also funds donated to the American River Conservation Council to help save other free-flowing rivers.
The Club has held their meetings at many places, from the first in a home, to the Park Place Police Station, Meadowbrook Fire Station, City Parks, Creek Banks, (depending on weather mostly in summers), and finally Fonde Recreation Center, our present home.
From 1966 to 1984 The Houston Canoe Club, its officers and members have paddled many, many miles on rivers, creeks, bayous, small streams, ponds and lakes, both large and small. We have had deaths and births in our membership, but have always managed to keep our friendship and fellowship through our love of canoeing.
Marie Hurd
Here is how the original paper documents appeared:
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