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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2014-11 4 Member Profile

Member Profile

Each month we feature a personal profile of one HCC member.  And this month is...

Christy Long
Birthplace?  Eunice, Louisiana

Age?  58

Marital status?  Married
Two daughters, two son-in-laws, and six grandchildren. Both of my parents are alive and well and we visit often. A very loving Mother-in-law. Three brothers, three sister-in-laws, and one bother-in-law. Lots of nieces and nephews. Tons of uncles and aunts.

Technical Communication Specialist. I edit and format technical manuals for Schlumberger downhole drilling and fishing tools.

What other hobbies do you have? 
Wine Making, Red Hat Society, Skiing, Camping. I like to participate in something more than being a spectator.
How did you get started canoeing? 
As leader of my daughter's girl scout troop, I took girl scout canoe training so I could participant, with my troop, in canoe trips and we went on several trips. My two daughters joined a Boy Scout Venture Crew and paddled for several more years. By 1999 my daughters stopped paddling but I did not. I looked around for paddling clubs and found Bayou City Whitewater and Houston Canoe Club. Been paddling ever since.
How many years of paddling experience do you have?  
Twenty years. The reason I can participate in this hobby for twenty years is because there are so many aspects of paddling. Those that I have been involved include white water, day tripping, expedition paddling, car camping, running gates, and long distance racing. Types of paddling that come to mind, that I have not tried, are freestyle canoeing, rodeo freestyle and poling.
What boats do you now own? 
Three white water kayaks, one recreation kayak, two white water canoes, one aluminum canoe, and one motor boat. 
What is your favorite place to paddle?

I do not have a favorite place, but I prefer moving fast water. I see every place as a blessing and thank God I am out on the water enjoying nature.

Do you prefer a canoe or a kayak?

I like to paddle the boat most suited for the body of water and my skill level.

Do you prefer a single blade or double blade paddle?


What do you like most about the sport? 
Being in places not frequented by others, seeing nature, camping, the rush of running the rapid.
What do you like least about the sport? 
Getting into poison ivy.

What is an important safety tip?
Planning for the trip is the most important thing. With correct planning you are most likely to have what you need to make yourself comfortable and safe.
Why do you paddle?
I started because it was a good way to be with my kids and a fun way to teach them many life skills. After my girls told me, and I quote, "Mom, find your own friends, because we don't want to paddle every weekend."  I went looking for other adult paddlers and I continued to paddle because every trip I went on was better than the last.
If you could do a fantasy tandem paddle with anyone you wish, with whom would it be?
I really like paddling solo.
What was your worst moment ever in a canoe?  

Getting caught behind "Christy's Curtain" on the Micos, that was scary sh*/.

What was your best moment ever?  

Paddling tandem with Biz on the upper portion of Section 3 of the Chattooga. We ran every rapid perfectly, it was a rush. Of course having a Chattooga canoe guide, as he was, in the stern had a little something to do with it.

Anything else you would like to say?
I'm not a natural, I had to take instruction and still do take instruction when I get into a different type of paddling. It is a dangerous sport but fun if you know how to prepare.