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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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Space Opened in the Lake Powell Trip
Kent Walters

I find myself in the situation that I have a reserved slot in the 2021 Lake Powell trip, but my wife does not want me to go because of the new COVID situation and other family developments. So I'm wondering if any of you might be interested in replacing me on this trip.

Here are some of the details:

  • On the water from 27 Sep - Oct 3
  • HASK/HCC is organizing carpools of various configurations, which may include trailer kayak transport.
  • Most (all but 4) of the participants are from HASK and/or HCC
  • Buy-in is $350 - other costs will include getting there, liability insurance (TBD), RMSKC membership ($10), shared expenses for meals (TBD) and fuel (TBD).

Here is the key email from Sue from earlier in the year, and attached is a trip report from a similar trip in 2009.

Location: Bullfrog Marina, going up-lake to Moki Canyon, Forgotten Canyon (which has an Anasazi ruin) and then on to Knowles or Smith Fork Canyons. This will be very similar to RMSKC's 2009 trip; the article about that trip is attached.


Dates: Sometime in mid to late September; perhaps running mid-week to mid-week with seven days and six nights on the water.


Boat and Trip Details: We'd get a 53' Adventurer, the boat we've used for years, and have 12 people, many camping onshore or on the top deck. Dinners and evening clean-up will be provided by different pairs each night with those food costs shared; all other food and all alcohol will be up to individuals to arrange. 


Initial Costs: Once you're signed on and the boat's reserved you'll send a check to Sue Hughes immediately. The reservation and damage deposit will be $350 if we have 12 and $420 if there are only 10 participants. That money is nonrefundable, but if you have to drop out of the trip you can "sell" your spot to someone else.


Additional Costs: There is also liability insurance we have to buy from the rental people and charges for gasoline, and your portion of the shared evening meal costs. These costs will be tallied against your evening food costs and your portion of the $600 damage deposit, and a final reckoning pulled together after the trip is over.

Please let me know if you are interested in taking my spot.

Best Regards,


Kent Walters

Space filled.

Best Regards,


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