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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC Website Forum

Web Site Error
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Forwarding from Club Express, our web site host: 


We screwed up!
On Friday afternoon, we had a problem with an email server that required some maintenance. In resolving this problem we inadv
ertently missed a step and email-based discussion forums were not fully re-enabled. While messages were being received and posted to the forums, the process of sending emails and digests out to forum subscribers was not working. We did not notice the problem until Sunday afternoon, when it was immediately corrected.

Note that this problem only impacted email-based forums (aka listservers.) If your club or association does not use the discussion forums module, or if you only use online forums, you were not impacted in any way.

During this time, no forum data was lost. Everything was queued up ready to be sent, which happened as soon as the process was restarted. This was not a security problem and none of your data was at risk at any time.

I apologize for the problem, which was entirely our fault. It shouldn’t have occurred in the first place, but when it did occur, we should have picked it up far more quickly than we did. This morning, we have taken steps both physical  and procedural, to ensure that a problem like this does happen again. 

Dan Ehrmann
President, ClubExpress

Be sure to notice the interesting word omission in the last sentence.  Oh, and the way the 2nd sentence breaks for no reason in the middle of a word and goes to the next line.  And the way the the paragraphs change font size at random, despite my defining the whole message as just one size.  And how the forum index shows the last activity here was in August 2013, despite this new message in January 2014.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the wonderful world of Club Express...
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