What: Throughout our area, stormwater runoff can carry contaminants into rivers, bayous, and lakes. But in low-lying coastal areas, there is yet another issue. Rainy periods may cause the local water table to rise even higher than the land surface, causing flooding and the failure of septic systems. This can lead to contamination of both inland waterways and offshore areas. Dr. Dorina Murgulet, Professor of Hydrogeology at Texas A&M - Corpus Christi, will explore the complexities of water table flooding, focusing on the upper coast of Texas, particularly the barrier islands spanning from Matagorda to Galveston.
When: Feb 15, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Where: Online, as part of the Texas General Land Office "Lunch and Learn" Series
Register: https://txstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAofumvrzguEtezO7g-0YZRpLVEmuOok9_C#/registration