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HomeNL-2023-12 8 Safety Minute Rolling

Safety Minute
Rollin' Down The River
December 2023
by Harmon Everett

Play in the water in your canoe or kayak long enough, and at some point, you will undoubtedly tip over.

If the water is shallow enough, you can stand up, and make your way to shallow water, clean out your boat and be on your way.


Rolling . San Diego Kayak Club

But if the water is deep, you might have to right your boat in deep water and it is easier and faster if you just stay in the boat and turn it back over right it with you in it. This is called “rolling” your boat. It is easier if your kayak allows you to hook your knees into your boat and let your body swivel the boat upright, but there are ways to work it without that extra ability. There are even ways to roll an open canoe.

Diagram of kayak roll

It is way more complicated than I can describe here, but it is worth watching some instructional video about it, take a class in it, and practicing it in a location where the water is clear, and there is available help while you practice.

The videos I’ve watched about rolling an open canoe all seem to include a whitewater canoe that is mostly filled with float bags, so calling it an “open” canoe is maybe a little disingenuous.

It is worth spending some time and effort in learning how, and practicing this technique if you plan on doing very much paddling.

Be safe out there!

See you On The Water!


The author, Harmon Everett