Last Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2011
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: John Ohrt
Commodore Ken McDowell called the meeting to order.
Officers were introduced. Ken announced that as Commodore and per the club constitution he has appointed John Rich to serve as newsletter editor until the next election.
Honey Leveen introduced a new member, K. I. Kerne.
Christy Long gave the safety minute.
Harmon gave the financial report. The bank account is being moved to Amegy Bank because of no fees.
John Rich asked for members to keep the excellent newsletter articles coming.
Christy Long announced that the Greens Bayou Coalition plans to build a canoe launch across the bayou from the current Greens Bayou Park.
Paul Woodcock gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Past trips included the Colorado River at Bay City, the Hidalgo Falls Festival including a moonlight paddle, Luce Bayou on the north end of Lake Houston, Sheldon Reservoir, the Hidalgo Falls training session, the Brazos River at I-10, and Oyster Creek. Upcoming trips included a weekend trip to the San Marcos, another trip to the Brazos, Springfest at Lake Charlotte coming June 11 and Memorial Day on the Sabine. As always, check the club web site for the complete schedule.
John Ohrt gave the minutes of the April meeting which were accepted as read.
The program was the DVD “Whitewater Self Defense”.
There were about 20 people attending the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.