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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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Homenl-2025-01 8 Safety Minute

Safety Minute - PORTAGE
January 2025


Dams, log jams, and silly bits of land sometimes get in the way of where we want to paddle next, and we are forced to consider the UNTHINKABLE inevitability of having to get OUT of our boats, and CARRY the boat to the next bit of floatable water.


This is colloquially known as a "portage."

Along with some other distasteful activities, we try to avoid doing it as often as possible, and avoid mentioning it in polite company. 

But, unfortunately, a disproportionate number of accidents occur when portaging while out paddling. Carrying a pack, and a heavy boat which obstructs your vision makes for an unsteady load. And the parts of the boat sticking out in front of and behind you keep banging into things. The trail on a portage is often slippery, and If I Remember Correctly (IIRC), is often practically straight up the beach, before coming straight down on the other side. (Cummings Dam, I'm looking at you!). 

If it is a portage that is not used often, there are trees and underbrush clogging the way, and rocks that tip over, that haven't been moved or settled in a while. 

We had a club member who ran into a wasp's nest during one portage around a log jam on the Texas Water Safari. And a year later, dropped her canoe on her foot and broke her ankle on a portage. This  time SHE FINISHED THE RACE!


Then there is the possibility of encountering wild feral hogs, bears, rabbits, spiders and other insects, and we all would much rather stay in our boats on the water where things are much safer. 

Just be aware, that if you have to portage: take it easy, be very careful, and try to avoid wrenching your back.

Be safe out there!
See You On The Water!
