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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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Homenl-2024-12 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
November 13, 2024
Recorder: Alice Nissen 



The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Officers in attendance were Brent Hwang, Commodore; Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Tyrone White, Boatswain; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Harmon Everett, Newsletter Editor. Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, and Natalie Wiest, Ex-Officio, were also in attendance. There were 20 attendees at Bayland Community Center and five attendees via Zoom. Last month's minutes were unanimously approved.


Tyrone gave the boatswain report. One new member in October, ten renewing members, for a total membership of 138; Facebook has 1049 members.


Bob gave the purser report and stated that October’s beginning balance was $10,182: checking increased by $308, expenses were $3259, and October end-of-the-month balance was $7231.


Tom gave the conservation report: He talked about the San Marcos Can Ban; the 15-year-old storm water permit; Greens Bayou Regatta; 5K hike at Pickett’s Bayou; Harris County tax increase from proposition A; Bayou Preservation Association symposium; San Marcos Cleanup; Annual Trash Bash on Armand Bayou. For information on these topics, please refer to the Conservation Forum on our website.


Harmon reminded us of the excellent resources which can be found in the newsletter.


Brent gave the fleet captain report (Christy Long was on vacation): Twenty-seven went on the flotilla for the 60th anniversary. The Buffalo Bayou Cleanup was attended by HCC members Brent Hwang and Pharr Smith. Brazos River trip, 16 miles SH 21 to FM60. Current River in Missouri, 45 miles. Champion Lake, 7.8 miles. Brazos River SH 149-FM 529, 20 miles. Brazos River US79-SH21, 26 miles. Members who paddled more than 50 miles this year were listed. Bruce Bodson topped the list logging 372 miles!


Natalie, chairman of the nominating committee, lead our election process. Brent Hwang, commodore; Christy Long, fleet captain; Tyrone White, boatswain; and Harmon Everett, newsletter editor, will continue their positions next year. Votes were unanimous for our new purser, Tracy Becker; Recorder, Dutch Becker; and vice commodore, Bruce Bodson. Outgoing board members Greg Fan, Bob Naeger and Alice Nissen were thanked for their excellent contributions to the HCC board.


Natalie Wiest introduced her brother, Randall Wiest, who will do a presentation on kayaking in Alaska. He has lived in Alaska for 45 years and has brought pictures from his many kayaking adventures and travels including various locations in Alaska such as Juno, Glacier Bay, Yukon River, Prince William Sound, and Port Chatham; and wildlife such as sea otters, moose, and bears (of interest, we learned that moose kill more people than bears). He and Natalie talked about the importance of tidal charts as there can be 15-foot tidal changes. Tools needed for kayaking trips are cell phones, GPS, marine radio, solar charger and spare batteries. Many thanks to Randall and Natalie for the beautiful pictures and the accompanying tales of kayaking and outdoor adventures, as well as some Alaskan folklore.


Brent reminded us to register on the event calendar for our Christmas party which will be held on Sunday, December 8, at Brent’s home. The last board meeting of the year will be held December 4 via Zoom.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:50.

November 6, 2024
Recorder: Christy Long for Alice Nissen

Attending: Brent Hwang, Christy Long, Natalie Wiest, Tom Douglas, Harmon Everett

Attending Online: Tyrone White, Greg Fan

Absence: Bob Naeger, Alice Nissen

7:05 Brent Called to order.
Approved November board meeting minutes.

7:06 Tyrone gave boatswain's report-
New Members:
Paula Purcell
Spring, TX

Renewing Members:

Amanda Hughes-Horan
Christy Long
Constantin Platon
Ellen Shipman
Jim T Stoa
John Clark
Natalie Wiest
Robert Killian
Robert Trout
Stephen Long

Total membership:138
Facebook followers:1049

7:12 Purser's report included the sixtieth anniversary party and the Monthly summary for October.

7;14 Tom Douglas: Conservation report was outlined.

7;36 Christy Long, Fleet Captain- Will send report to Brent to present at November meeting.

7;40 Sixtieth- Brain storming for next anniversary. Thank donors, participate in donor activities, suggesting every five years, add dancing.
Separate Christmas party from Christmas paddle. Brent to organize. Speak to Chuck Falk

Christmas party to dress up boats, with awards. Christy and Natalie

Do we need a new meeting place. BayLand community has changed their reservation policy. Can reserve only two months in advance. We have a really bad room.

Alice Nissen
Alice Nissen