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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Homenl-2024-07 9 Colorada Rv

Columbus Loop on the Colorado River, 6 Miles

Monday, May 27, 2024
By Christy Long


Howell’s Riverfront


Beason’s Crossing Park


Restroom at Howell’s, Restroom at Beason’s


420 cfs on the USGS 08161000 Colorado Rv at Columbus, TX


77 deg F to 98 deg F








Christy Long and Alice Nissen


Christy Long, Alice Nissen, Joe Coker, Chis Clodfelter, Patricia Clodfelter, Emily Farrell, Mike Farrell, Amy McGee, Bob Naeger, David Risch, Sandy Rushworth, Paul Therriault, Bryan Williams


Howell’s $10 person


8 solo kayaks, 2 tandem canoes,1 solo canoe

River Miles


HCC Club Miles


Road Miles



River and Rapids by Ben Nolen and Bob Narramore


Christy’s album in the HCC Photo Library. (place link here)

Getting There

I headed west from Houston, on I-10 to the City of Columbus, then north to Howell’s Riverfront. Less than two hours from Houston. On the way home I took Alt 90 to avoid Memorial Day traffic.

Driving map

The Trip

We were ready to run shuttle by 9am. The Howells were there to take all the cars to the takeout.

The Group


Back Row: Chris Clodfelter, Bob Naeger, Joe Coker, Alice Nissen, Sandy Rushworth, Patricia Clodfelter, Mike Farrell.

Second Row: Amy McGee, Christy Long, Paul Therriault.

Kneeling: Bryan Williams, Emily Farrell, David Risch

Howell’s concrete launch was clean and dry. The water level was so low that we had to get onto the muddy riverbed to get to our boats.



Patricia and Chris Getting their Canoe into the River

I was able to get into my kayak with just a little mud on my shoes. Mike Farrell took it upon himself to help us into our boats.

On the Water

We Were all Floating

We were all floating by 9:40am. About a third of the way down we stopped for lunch and a swim break. This was where a Game Warden on an airboat stopped to talk to us. They reminded us that we were on private property and to mind our manners, to which we said yes sir and thank you.

We stopped again, just passed Cummins Creek and waited for several of the group that went to explore the creek for a bit. We swam and ate Watermelon.



Shady camp chairs

Sandy and David had it made in the shade.

The river was sparkly, clear, and on the low side; with a few areas that we scrapped the bottom. The water was moving, and a few rifles were created in the bends of the river. Definitely a read and run kind of day.

While on the river, we saw birds, a few cattle, and deer.

We floated until we reached the takeout around 1:30.



The author, Christy Long