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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Homenl-2024-07 9 San Marcos

San Marcos River

Campout and Paddle

San Marcos Retreat to Sculls Crossing

Watch Texas Water Safari

June 7 to June 9, 2024
Trip Report by Christy Long


San Marcos River Retreat


Sculls Crossing

River Miles

3.5 miles

Fees or Permits

Launch Fees $3 per person and Camp Fees $10 per person per night (launch fee included)


On June 8 it was 126 cfs on the

USGS 08171400 San Marcos Rv nr Martindale, Tx


90 deg F


Cloudy, Sunny, Clear at Night

Moon Phase

New Moon


Mar 4 Sunrise 6:30am, Sunset 8:30pm




Little wind


Christy Long


Christy Long, Susan Eda


Left vehicle at Sculls and San Marcos River Retreat


1 kayak

HCC Club Miles

1 participant x 3.5 miles= 3.5 miles

Road Miles

340 round trip Pearland, Tx to San Marcos River Retreat

Guide Book

Rivers and Rapids, Canoeing, Rafting and Fishing Guide by Ben M. Molen and Bob Narramore. ISBN 0-9632403-8-2


Link to Photo Album

TWS Website


Friday night heated up leftover meal on Coleman stove, Saturday breakfast in camp, lunch on river, dinner at Herberts Toco Hut, Sunday breakfast coffee in camp. Colmen stove

Map to Sculls

Map showing San Marcos River Retreat to Scull Crossing 

I wanted to watch a portion of the 2024 Texas Water Safari, so I coordinated a camping and paddling trip. This year would be a hot one with low water. It would be a challenge, but it is every year.

The race starts at Spring Lake in San Marcos and ends 264 miles downstream at Swan Point close to Seadrift. Contestants have 100 consecutive hours to complete the race.

Map of Texas Water Safari

Map shows estimated 264 miles (red line) from San Marcos to Swan Point compared
to the 3.5 miles (pink line) from San Marcos River Retreat to Scull Road.

Only one other HCC member registered for the trip, but she hurt herself and could not paddle. Several of my paddling friends were there, and I camped and paddled with them.

Friday, June 7, 2024

I arrived Friday afternoon and set up camp at campsite 1 (one of the best sites in the campground). I warmed up my dinner and John Ainsworth came over to sit by the campfire.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Early Saturday morning was cloudy and warm. After coffee at John’s campsite, we headed to the put in at the campground.

Several spectators showed up to watch the racers come by and several had signs ready to show support for their team. One fellow serenaded the racers.


A spectator serenading the Contestants

The race started at 9am at Spring Lake in San Marcos. San Marcos River Retreat is about six miles downstream from the start. The first boat (124) was there by 9:57am. We then watched one hundred and fifty-eight boats race by.

After the last boat, we ran shuttle and were on the river by 11am. As we floated leisurely down the river, I thought of the racers still hard at it paddling towards the Staples check-in.

Only 109 out of the 159 entries would complete the race. A couple entries dropped out of the race at the Staples check-in, which is the first check point and must be reached by 3:00pm on the first day of the race.

After we floated to Scull several of us went to Herberts Taco Hut for Mexican food. We then went back to camp and sat around a campfire. The racers were on their way to the Luling Check-in.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

We slowly got up and made coffee. This was a great morning watching birds, drinking coffee, and packing up. The racers were still hard at it, paddling towards the Palmetto check-in.

It is easy to keep up with all the racers with the racing app. I added several of the contestants to my favorites, including 124. From the app, boat 124 never lost the lead.

I arrived at home at 3:30 and thought about the racers that were headed for Gonzales check-in.

Boat 124 paddled to the finish line at Swan Point on Monday at 3:30AM. Their finish time was 42 hours and 5 minutes. Superhuman. The last boat finished Wednesday morning before noon and I’m just as happy for them as the winners because to finish this race is a big accomplishment.

Wonderful way to spend the weekend.



The author, Christy Long