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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Homenl-2024-07 9 Remmel Dam Rlse

Remmel Dam Release (Lower Ouachita River)
June 20, 2024
Kent Walters


It was a perfect morning for paddling when we launched from the river access by the dam.  This trip was a combined effort with the Hot Springs Village Paddlers Club.

kayaking day

Perfect day for kayaking

Finishing prep
Sam and Kent finishing preparations (Photo Credit: Buzz Carpenter)


The water was flowing nicely when we arrived. The HCC part of the group elected to take the “island side” with a few riffles. The other four paddled the wide channel.  The river did most of the work and we had the river to ourselves. We saw herons, geese, egrets and turtles. Caterpillars that dropped from trees were a problem for one of our number who experienced an itchy rash.


It was this big!


We took a snack break at the left-side sandbar and were surprised we’d arrived so quickly.


Lunch / Snack / Talk


All of us made it over the ledge and to the concrete ramp for take-out. One participant took a swim just after the drop when the wicked eddy caught her unprepared.



The swirling waters near the takeout

Coming through

Mary coming through the slide at the end


Sam trying his luck

Sam negotiating the final ledge


Cindy tumps at the eddy line
Cindy after successfully passing the big test gets spanked by an eddy line.


Emptying water
Getting ready to remove some water (Photo Credit: Buzz Carpenter)


As we were loading up our kayaks on the ramp, about a dozen members of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Emergency Rescue Squad arrived for a swift water training session. We had them to thank for the special dam release!)





Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched (don’t celebrate your victories until they are secured).
Map of trip



The Author, Kent Walters



Link to Photo Album