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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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Homenl-2024-06 8 Safety Minute

Safety Minute

June 2024

If Found

When a boat is found floating in the water with no one around, the Coast Guard assumes that the boat had someone on board at one time, and they fell over and possibly drowned, so they start a search. As we kick into summer in Texas, this may happen a dozen times this year. 

It may be, that the boat drifted off of a beach during a storm, But the Coast Guard still institutes a search. 

If I find one, I think "Oh! FREE BOAT!" 

I probably shouldn't. But if the boat has no identifying markers, or names, how could I tell? 
You should get a permanent prominent sticker that allows you to tag your boat with your name, and a phone number or two to get in touch with you if somehow your boat goes adrift. Or if you do fall into the Gulf, and somebody finds just your boat. 

The Coast Guard has orange "IF FOUND" stickers that stick to items.
The ACA has "IF FOUND" stickers that have a QR code. 

Keep your boats safe. It may prevent search teams from spending hours or days in an unnecessary search, or help find someone in a necessary one. 

Stay safe out there!
See you On The Water!


Harmon Everett
Harmon Everett