The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance were Tyrone White, Boatswain; Christy Long, Fleet Captain; Harmon Everett, Newsletter Editor; and Alice Nissen, Recorder. Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, was in attendance. Nine attendees in person and four attendees via Zoom for a total attendance of 13.
Tyrone gave the boatswain report and stated there were no new members last month, 16 renewals, for a total membership of 147. Facebook has 1005 members. Tyrone welcomed our visitor, Susan.
Harmon gave the safety minute and advised trip attendees to check the weather report before going on a trip.
Tom gave the conservation report. Detailed information is in the conservation forum on our website.
Christy gave the fleet captain’s report. April trips: Kent Walters’ trip on the Buffalo River, Joe Coker’s trip on Lake Charlotte, Alice’s, and Christy’s trip on Sheldon Lake. To date there have been 14 trips, 46 participants, for a total of 903 miles.
Christy talked about the 60th anniversary party. Joe will coordinate the paddle. She would like help from everybody.
Tonight’s speaker, Christy, is a long-time, very active and dedicated HCC member. Her topic is “How to Coordinate a Trip.” Christy put all the information you need to access on how to coordinate a trip on HCC’s website, all in one area. Some additional suggestions were: If you are not familiar with a registrant, call them beforehand and make sure they qualify for the skill level required for the trip and that they have signed a waiver; be prepared to cancel a trip due to inclement weather conditions; at the put-in, check for proper equipment of all participants; assign a lead and sweep boat; ask participants if they have any medical conditions that you need to be aware of; respect the rights of property owners; after the trip, submit a trip participant report to the fleet captain. Three free trips are allowed for non-members. Very concise and easy instructions on leading trips were given by Christy. She also did a great job creating an easily accessed website with easy-to-follow instructions. We all appreciate Christy and all that she does for HCC.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.