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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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Homenl-2024-05 9 Sheldon Lake

An Earth Day Flotilla
April, 2024
by Mike Farrell

                                              Sheldon Lake


In celebration of the planet, The Houston Canoe Club was well represented Monday April 22, Earth Day 2024, at Sheldon Lake. Paddlers and boats, almost too numerous to count (15 and 12 respectively) gathered at the Garrett Road boat ramp for a day on the water led by Alice and Christy. After an informative safety briefing, boats slid in ready to enjoy the tail end of what might well be our last spring cold front. Winds were light and sky’s were blue as we headed south. Immediately the birds began watching us, identifying the various boats I imagine as we slid past. White birds, brown birds, pink birds, small birds, big birds were all present. The first of several alligators showed its head shortly after putting in. A discussion ensued as to their preferred palette this time of year. It was suggested that a plain white meal such as my Sawyer Summer Song would be todays blue plate lunch special. However after studying the reptiles closely, I was convinced they were looking for the fresh, citrusy taste of orange, lemon, lime and occasional strawberry of the various kayak selections being offered.


As we paddled on, Cindy, Ann and John provided some historical insight to the origins of the World War II reservoir along with the more recent Texas Parks and Wildlife developments.

After a mile or two in a gentle headwind we came to the southern boat ramp. A few of us got out to stretch and chat baseball, namely the current woes of our hometown Astros, with a couple of shore fisherman. The group came together near the boat ramp and since there wasn’t a suitable onshore stop for lunch Christy asked if anyone wanted a sandwich while we floated. An immediate order for a corn beef on rye came from one of the boats.


Finishing our brief refreshment, the small armada floated on, along the dam passing the spillway as a head wind slowly built.  At the end of our eastward leg we paused in a wonderful “field” of lotus flowers. Several acres of blooming yellow and radiant white.  From here our journey turned north to complete our loop. Part of the team elected to take an open water course back to the put in ramp. The remaining boats found themselves on the scenic route through the Lilly pads, cat tails, cypress trees and weeds. Though it went unsaid, I could feel my daughter paddling behind me asking herself “pray tell what has my father got me into now”. The bushwhack ended with a short back-track from among tall cat tails. Everyone was accounted for and we arrived uneventfully back where it began a few hours earlier.

Boats were pulled out and loaded. Goodbyes were said and other than the 45 minute drive on the Houston freeways, a sustainable trip was had by all.

Thank you Alice and Christy for putting it together. Fellow adventurers included:

Cindy Bartos               John Bartos                 Tracy Becker

Ann Derby                   Emily Farrell                Mike Farrell

Marilyn Kircus             Carl Kuhnen                Linda Kuhnen

Christy Long                Alice Nissen                Robert Spiegelhauer

Stephen Long             Monique Vo                 Natalie Wiest




The author, Mike Farrell