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Homenl-2024-03 9 Trip Report Bull Bayou

Bull Bayou Overland Scouting
February 2024
by Kent Walters

Bull Bayou stats

Duane Hecklesberg, Calvin Doody, Sam and I met at 1:00 at the Cajun Boiler and probed a few potential take-out points on Bull Bayou at the northwest end of Lake Hamilton.  We determined that there were two excellent candidates: Bull Bayou Picnic Area and the bridge at Blacksnake Road. 


Here is the extent of the non-avian wildlife we saw on this trip:


We headed up to the two potential put-ins where Sam and Duane started down from the highest point on Wildcat Road where “Private Property” was the predominant theme.  Calvin and I drove back down to the next, more likely put-in at Wildcat/Maxim Road and waited about 10 minutes for them.  We made final decisions about walking sticks and boots and set off downriver. 


As always, the Arkansas rocks are a treat:

Rocks in the river

We determined that the water level would have to reach the top of the Wildcat bridge abutment base to make it navigable, so that would be our future go/nogo gage. 


There are no convenient USGS metrics for this watershed.  It didn’t take long to spot the first potential trouble spots – multiple sweepers which could allow passage around the end at higher water levels


More logs

Then came the serious log jams – a lot of them.  Most afforded a way to get out and around, but some were between steep banks.



Log choked river

Last three photos by Sam Reyna


Alas, the first segment was judged a bust for pleasurable paddling.  We continued downriver to the next put-in / take-out at the Bull Bayou Picnic Area, was not so bad, but did have a few very difficult logjams, along with some additional barriers intentionally erected by the landowners to prevent kayakers from having a good day.

fencemore fence




Photo by Sam Reyna



Pick smaller segments to scout.

The author, Kent Walters
The author, Kent Walters (photo by Same Reyna)