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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2023-12 2 Next Meet

Next Meeting Announcement

by Greg Fan

 When:    Christmas Party Instead of a Meeting this Month. 
Registration for the event can be done on the website HCC Christmas Party and Paddle on Lake Charlotte - 12/10/2023 
Here are two maps that you can print to help you get to the location:Directions
Cedar Hill Park Map 1
Cedar Hill Park Map 2
Map, Macro Map, Close-Up
(Click to enlarge and print)

:   The Houston Canoe Club will host a Holiday Party for its members on Sunday, December 10th, from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Paddle from 10 to 12 at Cedar Hill Park, on the shore of beautiful Lake Charlotte, 
in Wallisville
. For paddlers the usual contingencies apply - must wear PFDs and 
need to have a waiver on file. Non-HCC members are welcome.

Wear your Holiday paddling clothes and arrive early enough to decorate your boat.

If you don't want to paddle, come noonish and join us for the feast.

After the relaxing paddle enjoy some KFC, chili, and various side dishes for lunch.

If you want to share your favorite chili dish, please contact me:

Due to limited electrical outlets, if you wish to bring a side dish, please bring
one that does not have to be kept warm. We're looking forward to sharing the Christmas holiday with you.

Be sure to set this date aside on your calendar, then join us and support your club.

The Author, Greg Fan