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Homenl-2023-11 8 Puff the tragic catfish


A True Story
by Ann Derby

Puala Dittrick Pointing at Tragic Catfish


 (Sung to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon)

Puff the Tragic Catfish

Has ceased to be

Yet he’s cruising the San Marcos

On his way down to the sea

We saw him there one weekend

At the Cottonseed Rapid wall

Someone pushed him ‘round it

Then he had himself a ball.


He was four feet long and bloated

He did not need a boat

His mouth was like a toilet bowl

And, girl! that fish could float!

With no worries about survival

Puff could be quite brave

And so that smelly catfish

Was shredding every wave.


Everyone was diggin’

That old rascal Puff

But no one cared to share his wave

One whiff was enough!

He must have lived a long time

Now he’s heeded Nature’s call

And if you view it that way

He’s not tragic after all.


Copyright 2000, Ann Derby


The author, Ann Derby