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HomeNL-2023-11 8 Roy Edwards In Memoriam

In Memoriam
Roy Edwards

Roy Edwards
Photo Provided by John Bartos

Roy was HCC Commodore for at least 5 years in the 80's. He was Commodore when we joined. Roy was a Governor for a number of years after that and his wife Jan served as Recorder when I became Commodore.

Cindy and I attended our first trip with HCC out to Lake Charlotte led by Roy. Officers' meetings were held at the Coors Distributor where he worked. Roy was involved in starting the Armand Bayou Cleanup.

Later Roy worked for the Sheriff's Department and upon retirement moved to Rivers End on the San Bernard.

Roy and Jan founded Friends of the San Bernard.

Lots of good memories of a good guy.

John Bartos

Subject: Roy Edwards
Posted by: Michael Farrell on 10/11/2023 at 3:17 PM

You other longtime members correct me if I’m wrong; didn’t Roy work for one of the local beer distributors where he collected the dented cans that rolled off the trucks through out the year.  He would then load up a hundred or more, ice them all down in a canoe that he trailered out to Shady Grove back when Tom G. owned that campground for the annual San Marcos cleanup. Goes without saying that Roy’s efforts were always a big hit that weekend.

Posted by: Mark H Andrus on 10/10/2023 at 8:35 AM

I saw in the Facts newspaper that former member Roy Edwards died of cancer. He is survived by his wife, Jan Edwards.