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HomeNL-2023-11 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen


Houston Canoe Club 

Board Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2023

Recorder: Alice Nissen



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Officers in attendance were Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Bob Nager, Purser; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Natalie Wiest, Ex-Officio, and Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, were in attendance. The last board meeting minutes were approved.


Bob gave the purser report and stated income through September was $2050 and expenses were $2005. After a vote, it was decided to renew membership in American Whitewater.


Bob stated that nothing has changed in nominations since last month. He will “pitch” at the general meeting for more candidates. So far, it is Brent Hwang, Commodore; Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Newsletter Editor, Harmon Everett; Fleet Captain, Christy Long; Boatswain, Tyrone White. Purser has no candidate thus far.


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated we gained one new member in September, seven renewing members, for a total membership of 148. Facebook has 965 members.


Christy stated she has three different files to upload: QR code (put in “other” folder), map of bay access in the maps tab, and the waiver list. We can put QR code on new brochures and Greg stated he would put QR code on Facebook to direct to website. One more draft on “how to coordinate a trip” will be made. She will look at different forms to revise or eliminate. The committee for the 60th anniversary has not yet been assembled. The newsletter is coming along well.


Natalie suggested Zoom for trip training.


Tom talked about upcoming events he will be discussing in the general meeting: Walk for the Wild, Green Bay Regatta, Hidalgo Falls River Festival, Rotary Regatta on clear Creek, East Fork San Jacinto River Watershed meeting, trash cleanup at Big Gulch, Double Bayou Watershed Partnership, Bacteria Implementation Group.


Greg stated that Bob Scaldino will talk about his trip to Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario. No speakers for November yet. Natalie suggested Trinity River Natural Wildlife Refuge Manager as a potential speaker. She also reminded us to invite the speaker for a complimentary dinner before the meeting. Bob stated this is budgeted.


Waivers were discussed and it was stated that waivers need to be signed annually. Guests must sign a waiver for each trip taken.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:24.





Houston Canoe Club
General Meeting
October 11, 2023
By Bob Naeger
The meeting at Bayland Community Center was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Seventeen people in person and seven online in attendance.

Officers in attendance were Brent Hwang, Commodore; Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Tim Brooking (Zoom), Boatswain; Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman; and Bruce Bodson (Zoom), Fleet Captain.

Brent called on the officers in attendance to present their reports.

Brent called on Bob Naeger to present the Nominating Committee’s work. The nominating committee has identified the following slate of candidates for the 2024 board:


Brent Hwang

Vice Commodore

Greg Fan


Alice Nissen



Newsletter Editor

Harmon Everett

Fleet Captain

Christy Long


Tyrone White


Frank Ohrt gave a brief review of American Whitewater’s latest review of white-water fatalities.

Bob Scaldino presented an interesting program on a recent trip to Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario.

Recorder, Alice Nissen