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HomeNL-2023-10 9 Buffalo Bayou

Buffalo Bayou
Briarbend Park to McIntyre's
August 5, 2023
by Christy Long

Saturday Put-in

Briarbend Park

Saturday Take-out

McIntyre's Restruant

River Miles


Fees or Permits

None at Briarbend Park, Parking Fee at McIntyres


Piney Point, 08073700

FT/CFS 27'/87cfs

Air Temperature

102 deg high, 80 deg low


Cloudy, Sunny


6:43am / 8:11 pm             




Little wind


Christy Long


Christy Long, Bob Naeger, Gary Masters, Brandi Depew, Joe Coker


Rivers and Rapids, Consolidated Buffalo Bayou Site Visit Draft Nov-Dec 2020.pdf


Buffalo Bayou Aug 5, 2023, by Christy Long
Buffalo Bayou 8/5/23, by Joe Coker

The night before the trip I had to work out a morning and afternoon shuttle for nine people, seven vehicles, and eight boats. I used paint brushes to represent the vehicles, blocks to represent the boats, and paint bottles to represent the people.

morning shuttle    evening shuttle
 This was the result of the morning shuttle.
All but two of the vehicles were at the takeout.
Brandi and Christy transported all drivers to the put in. 
  This was the result of the evening shuttle.
Bob was able to transport boats and gear for three people andhad room for three people in his vehicle.

I needed to make sure two people were with the boats while the vehicles were being driven to the takeout. I needed to make sure I had just enough vehicles coming back to the put in to accommodate the drivers. Then I pre-arranged with someone to bring the two drivers, their boats, and their gear back to the put in at the end of the day. The only way I could visualize all the back and forth was by moving the pieces back and forth.

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Christy Long, Fran Wilcox, Elen, Gary Masters, Natalie Wiest, Joe Coker, Brandi Depew photo by Bob Naeger

Out of the nine people that showed up for the trip, five of us decided to brave the heat, ignore the lack of water, and take on the class II put in. The four that did not go stayed and helped bring boats and gear to the put in. 

After a lot of discussion and then running the shuttle, five of us launched about 10 am. 

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Photo by Christy. From Left Joe Coker, Brandi Depew, Bob Naeger we are waiting for Gary Masters to run the rapid.

The bayou was beautiful and because of the lower level the water was swift while going between rocks and trees.

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Then we had to paddle around this truck. It has been there for a couplde of years. IMG 8202

I wounder if this rock formation is natural or if is was brought in for a project of some sort. It made for an interesting discussion.
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Around noon all of us were feeling the effects of the heat and exertion. A couple of us more than others. I have determined that the temperature and water level was very taxing, and I would not recommend a trip under those conditions. 

Brandi and Bob were very help to the rest of us during the takeout and loading of the boats.


The author, Christy Long