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HomeNL-2023-09 9 Little Missouri

Little Missouri River, Arkansas
Narrows to Muddy Fork
Aug 4, 2023
Report by Kent Walters

TRIP-AT-A-GLANCE: Little Missouri - Narrows to Muddy Fork


4 August 2023 - Meet at take-out at 11:50, on water at 12:24


Riverside Park at the Narrows Dam


Muddy Fork (CR 222)


CR 222 bridge, about 2 miles southwest of Murfreesboro, AR - 4.75'


A LOT of CFS - Swollen with lots of pushy hydraulics and wave trains


99°F (feels like 115°F) - felt nice on the water




Light breeze from S most of the time


Calvin Doody, Sam Reyna, Kent Walters


Wavesport 1, Evoke Trophy, Pyranha Fusion



Paddling MILES



We met at 11:50 at the Muddy Fork Take-Out, moved Calvin’s kayak to my truck, and got on the water at 12:25.

This was very similar to our July 27 run, but it was a little sunnier from the sun being more overhead, and I think the water was a little higher – some of the roughness in our previous trip seemed just a little “softer” this time.



The water was high and moving fast – about 4-5 MPH.  The surface was often chaotic, but selecting lines was not critical – almost any location would carry you through.  There were occasional strainers and sweepers, but all were visible and avoidable with some strong strokes. 


Just as before, on the water it was very pleasant with a slight breeze and the cooling effect of the 75-degree water. 


We saw a few great blue herons, crows, vultures and some LBJs.


I didn’t take many photos as I was working with my GoPro to get action shots.  Some segments in the MP4 files offer a pretty good feeling for what it was like in the turbulence.




We caught up with another group on a break at a public park on river left about 5 miles from the start and joined them for the break and for the last mile of drifting/paddling.


Six miles downstream we arrived at the take-out about an hour and 20 minutes after we launched, where I flipped over as I was trying to get out on a steep, slippery, and deep cut.  Two others got out ahead of me in the same place just fine.  It was there that I learned that my rear bulkhead was not waterproof (note to self - buy another roll of Flex-Seal tape).




Make sure you leave the shuttle vehicle with everything you brought onto the shuttle vehicle.  Since I was pretty wet from my end-of-the trip dunking, I had set my cellphone, wallet, and keys on the folded down seat back next to me in Calvin’s car.  My cell phone quietly slipped off the seat back without me noticing, and I just picked up what was there when we got back to the take-out.


Please see photo album

The author, Kent Walters