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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2023-09 4 Membership Report

Membership Report

August 2023
by Tim Brooking

The HCC Boatswain, Tim Brooking has registered the following new and renewing memberships month to date August, 2023.  Welcome!

                 New Members:    1     

William Higgins


Renewing Members:  7 

John Sangree
Dan Carroll
David Risch
Sandy Rushworth
Brent Hwang
Naomi Brown
Pam Jones

Total membership: 146 <2>
Facebook followers: 962

The HCC cordially welcomes new members to our club. The temps will be cooler soon, so it's time to get out and paddle!  

“About the best reason I can think of for owning a canoe is that it can take me into wilderness. And what, you may ask, is so great about wilderness? The silence, for one thing.” – Robert Kimber

Boatswain, Tim Brooking