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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2023-08 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club 

Board Meeting Minutes

July 5, 2023

Recorder: Alice Nissen




The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. via Zoom.  Officers in attendance were Brent Hwang, Commodore; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Bob Nager, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, and Natalie Wiest, Ex-officio, were also in attendance. The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Bob gave the purser report and stated we are doing well. Income at the end of June was $1400 and expenses were $1483. There is an $83 deficit for the year. He stated that our savings have started to make improved income. He reminded us that we budgeted for two picnics/social events for this year.


Brent mentioned that we need to start planning for our 60th anniversary party. Christy volunteered to head up a committee. Seven to 10 people are needed on the committee. Natalie, Tim, and Alice volunteered. It was suggested that October is a good month for big parties. Brent stated we need to set a budget. Research is needed to assess how much was spent on our 50th. Bob was on the committee and stated he has the costs and contracts, etc., from that party. There were approximately 200 people who attended. He stated we spent thousands of dollars. It was held at Harris County Community Center on Clear Lake, and it was a good venue. Flags were made for that event.  Tom mentioned that Buffalo Bayou Partnership has indoor and outdoor facilities, which may be an option for our next location. Our 40th was held at the pavilion in Huntsville State Park.


Brent asked Alice if she would again oversee the Christmas party this year and she said yes. It was suggested that maybe Cindy Bartos could assist.


Tim gave the membership report and stated that there were two new members in June and five renewals for a total membership of 147. Facebook membership has grown to 940.


Christy stated she would be in town and the newsletter would proceed as planned. So far, there are two trip reports for the August newsletter. She stated also that our “store” has added cups to its merchandise and one more shirt. It was mentioned that we want quick dry shirts.


Bruce stated there have been two trips since the last general meeting: Kent’s trip in Arkansas and Bruce’s trip on the Brazos. He stated that if one goes on a HASK trip to give him the mileage and it will be recorded. Two more paddlers have crossed the 100-mile mark: Tyrone White and Constantin Platon. It was discussed whether we should use Facebook to advertise our trips.


Tom gave us an overview of the conservation issues he will be talking about at the general meeting. “Wear Your Life Jacket” event takes place on May 17 every year. He stated that it’s a great event and we should take pictures to submit for next year. The East Fork San Jacinto River Watershed Partnership’s next meeting will be held July 12. The Bacteria Implementation Group will meet on October 31 to discuss contamination and bacteria in our water. The 2023 Coastal Watershed Symposium (Bayou Preservation) next meeting will be October 31.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.




Houston Canoe Club
General Meeting
July 12, 2023


The meeting at Bayland Community Center was called to order at 7:05. Officers in attendance were Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Brent Hwang, Commodore, and Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, attended via Zoom. Last month’s general meeting minutes were approved.


Bob gave the purser report and stated as of the end of June income was $1400 and expenses were $1483 for a deficit of $83, which is normal for this time of the year.


Tim gave the membership report and stated that there were two new members and five renewals in June for a total membership of 147. Facebook membership has grown to 940.


Tom gave the conservation report and stated that May 17, every year, is wear-your-lifejacket-to-work day. He suggested we start thinking about a picture of yourself wearing a life jacket. There will be prizes given for the best pictures. The East Fork San Jacinto River meeting was today, which Bruce and Tom attended. There are many on-site sewage facilities. The Bacterial Implementation Group monitors water quality in all streams and bayous in our area. The beaches in Galveston presently have a high bacteria count. The Bayou Preservation 2023 Costal Watershed Symposium will be held on September 20 and 21, 8-12 via Zoom. For more information, see the conservation forum in the newsletter.


Christy stated the newsletter is going well. If you would like to contribute a trip report, email it to her.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report. South Llano River dam above the park area (permit pending) looking for support. He will put it on the forum tomorrow. Four events with 10 participants of which five were HCC members, five were nonmembers for a total of 51.23 miles. Year-to-date mileage is 338.98. Ken Walters stated that his trip on DeGray Lake on 6/23 was easy, peaceful, and beautiful with lots of birds. Bruce’s trip on the Brazos, Curly Shoals for 19.74 miles included four HCC members and four nonmembers. It was shallow, big sills, and shallow sandbars. He also led a trip on the Brazos, US 79/190 to SH21, for 26.91 miles. Lots of rock limestone sills. The current was slack, and they had to work hard paddling for 6-1/2 hours. Kent’s trip on DeGray Lake on 7/11 for 2.8 miles. They saw a limpkin. On July 15, there is a trip on the Colorado River from Plum Park to LaGrange for 19 miles and on July 22, Brazos River FM 979 to US 79 for 22 miles. On August 5, Neches Wilderness Race for 20 miles.


Christy announced there will be a summer social on July 29, and on August 5, she will lead a trip on the Buffalo Bayou from Briar Bend Park to McIntyres Restaurant.


We all enjoyed watching the movie, “The Call of the River,” which was a documentary of skilled, adventurous, adrenaline-seeking kayakers going down terrifying vertical waterfalls and through grade 5 rockslides with apparent ease. This is a great movie for armchair thrill seekers, like me, and for members in the club who love whitewater kayaking.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.





Recorder, Alice Nissen