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HomeNL-2023-03 8 Canoe Faster

How to Paddle Faster
March 2023
by John Bartos 


To paddle a canoe faster, you can follow these tips:

  1. Keep your strokes short and powerful: Use your whole body, especially your core and legs, to generate power.
  2. Maintain a steady rhythm: A consistent stroke rate will help you maintain speed and avoid fatigue.
  3. Alternate sides: Switching sides regularly will help you maintain balance and avoid favoring one side.
  4. Stay low: Keeping your center of gravity low will help you maintain stability and reduce drag.
  5. Use a J-stroke: This technique involves angling the blade on one side of the canoe to push water towards the other side, which helps you maintain course.
  6. Trim the canoe: Make sure the canoe is evenly loaded and positioned correctly in the water to minimize drag and increase speed.
  7. Consider using a rudder or skeg: These attachments can help you maintain a straighter course and reduce the amount of energy you need to expend to stay on track.


It depends on personal preference and intended use. Canoes and kayaks have different designs and features that make them better suited for certain activities.

Canoes are typically wider and more stable, making them ideal for calm water, fishing, or recreational use. They also often have an open design, making it easier to access gear and to get in and out of the boat.

Kayaks, on the other hand, are typically longer, narrower, and more maneuverable, making them better for faster-moving water and more challenging conditions, such as rapids or open ocean. They also often have a closed deck, making them drier and more secure in rougher water.

Ultimately, the better choice will depend on your individual needs and preferences. It's recommended to try both and see which one feels more comfortable and suitable for your activities.

Information on the two articles above:  I did not write one word of these two articles and neither did any other human. These were answers generated by Chat GPT the online Artificial Intelligence chatbot. Apparently, this AI scours massive amounts of information and responds in a conversational manner. In this case, the answers appear within seconds. Most of the information is roughly correct, but I could quibble with a few of the details. Overall, this is the future coming at us at breakneck speed. Be careful out there.

John Bartos

The author, John Bartos