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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2023-03 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club 

Board Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2023

Recorder: Alice Nissen



Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Officers in attendance were Brent Hwang, Commodore; Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Alice Nissen, Recorder; and Natalie Wiest, Ex-Officio. The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Tim gave the membership report and stated we have one new member, 10 renewals, and a total membership of 146. There are 898 Facebook members. To qualify as a Facebook member, three questions are asked, and request denied if unanswered. It was suggested that additionally a profile and picture should also be provided.


Bob gave the purser report and stated we are already over budget because of our insurance payment in January. Our website rates went up as well. He reminded us that, according to our constitution, any expenditure over 500 dollars needs to be voted on by a quorum at the general meeting.


Christy stated the newsletter is going well. Greg stated we need an additional camera at the general meeting. Brent will bring one to the meeting. Tim will help with the camera. Christy will bring her computer. Greg will introduce the speaker and, additionally, will ask that questions be held until the end of the presentation.


Greg gave the vice commodore report and stated that he has speakers for March through May: in March, Richard Cunningham will speak about kayak sailing; in April, Cindy Bartos will speak about birds; and in May, Kent Walters will speak about paddling trips at Big Bend. Bruce stated he could speak about the Brazos sometime in the summer or as a backup if a planned speaker is unable to attend. Brent suggested a full biography of the speaker should be put in the newsletter and Christy said she would include that on the web page.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report and stated there were lots of trips canceled last month due to weather. There are six new events on the calendar.


Brent stated our upcoming race will be held April 1 at Lake Charlotte as a joint event with HASK. Bob will check with Paddlesport to see if a race with minors would be covered on our insurance. A slower race of five miles is also suggested. Bruce is the race coordinator and will get sponsors. We will need tee shirts for the event, decals for numbering boats, bottled water, refreshments. Constantin Platon will handle boat rental and outreach. Christy will design the tee shirts. Event named “Lake Charlotte Challenge.” It was decided not to provide lessons or small guided excursions. Tim is the volunteer coordinator/communications. Fee was discussed: discounts for members or early signups. Bruce will put event on the calendar.  A link should be put on Facebook. Event will not be cancelled due to weather but rescheduled.


Alice will check with Trudy to see if they are providing tables and tarps for vendors at the Buffalo Bayou Regatta on March 11.


Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Houston Canoe Club
General Meeting
February 8, 2023


The meeting at Bayland Community Center was called to order at 7:05. Officers in attendance were Brent Hwang, Commodore; Greg Fan, Vice Commodore; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Officer in attendance via Zoom was Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman. A total of 24 people attended the meeting in person and 12 attended via Zoom. The last month’s general meeting minutes were approved.


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated that there was one new member last month and 10 renewing members, for a total membership of 146. Facebook members total 898.


Brent gave the purser report for Bob who was absent. He also explained that expenditures over 500 dollars must be voted on for approval by a quorum at a general meeting. The 500-dollar expenditure for Paddlesport Risk Management, our new insurance carrier, was approved by a quorum of attendees.


Tom gave the conservation report. The East Fork of the San Jacinto River starts at Huntsville to Lake Houston, Caney Creek and Peach Creek; Watershed Partnership, next meeting February 15. Comments from paddlers have a positive influence. Clear Creek Watershed Partnership, next meeting February 23. San Marcos River Foundation, river cleanup March 4. HCC usually volunteers on section 2, Tom Goines to Skull Crossing. Annual meeting, February 11 in Austin. Harris County Onsite Wastewater Seminar, May 18. For complete information on these topics, refer to Tom’s Conservation Forum and the conservation report in the newsletter.


Joe Coker sadly announced that Will Blumenthal, a long-time member of HCC and avid paddler, passed away recently. He was a well-liked member who was also a retired NASA scientist, a professional musician (guitar and vocals), and had a hobby of stockcar racing. He will be missed by all who knew him.


Bruce gave the Fleet Captain’s report and stated there were four events since our last meeting, with 20 participants of which 17 were members and three were nonmembers for a total of 92.58 miles, year-to-date 104.01 miles.  On January 15, 19.5 miles on the Brazos, Tony Becerra Park to Sugar Land Memorial Park. The Texas Winter 100K on January 28 for 62 miles; Brent Hwang and Constantin Platon participated. Brent stated it was 13 hours of paddling and was a well-run race. On February 4, Turtle Bayou for a total of 5 miles, with seven paddlers.  On February 7, Sheldon Lake for a total of six miles, with 12 paddlers. Upcoming trips: Columbus Loop on February 11; Buffalo Regatta Recon and abandoned crab trap pickup at Christmas Bay on February 18; Buffalo Regatta on March 11; Texas Rivers Cleanup on March 4.


Greg Fan introduced long-time HCC member, Christy Long, as tonight’s speaker for “Week of Rivers: A Carolina Canoe Club Trip.” Christy began paddling with the Girl Scouts in 1996. In 2004, she joined HCC. She has been on the board for many years as the recorder, commodore, vice commodore, newsletter editor, webmaster, nominating committee and 50th anniversary committee member. The Week of Rivers has been going on for 20 years and includes rivers in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The event lasts nine days. It’s a good opportunity to paddle with experienced locals. Multiple skill levels participate. It takes place July 4 through July 9. Camping is in the Smoky Mountains. Camp sites reserved two years in advance. Each morning, paddlers meet at the pavilion and read the river board to observe river levels, miles, ratings, etc. There are some local lakes for beginners. Optional boating clinics. Christy made the yearly event sound very exciting, and it was a great presentation.


Brent stated that HCC will sponsor a race with HASK, “Lake Charlotte Challenge,” on April 1st. Details will be communicated soon. Bruce Bodson and Chris Arceneaux are coordinators of the race. Will need volunteers.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.




Recorder, Alice Nissen