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HomeNL-2023-02 8 Tribute to L Aulbach

Tribute to Louis Aulbach
February 2023
by Ken Anderson

My first trip with Louis was the Pecos.  I was new to paddling with a propensity to flip over. Louis handled it well. The Pecos is full of petroglyphs and with Louis as a guide it was like a graduate-course field-trip with the Dean.

In subsequent trips I wormed my way into Louis’s famous “food group.”  I was responsible for the breakfast bag (tagged “breakfast") and, while not exactly told not to lose it, I somehow knew that if I flipped over the bag was first priority and my canoe was on its own.  Paddling on the Rio Grande we’d watch the space shuttle fly overhead, count shooting stars, and on one trip witness a full eclipse of the moon.  After we ate dinner we’d sit around the campfire telling stories while hoping to stay awake until 9:00.  There are lots of these stories out there because of Lewis.

Good memories Louis!  I can’t thank you enough.

The author, Ken Anderson