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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2023-01 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
December 7, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at Brent Hwang’s beautiful home after a delicious home-cooked meal by Brent. Officers in attendance were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; newly elected officers Brent Hwang, Commodore, and Greg Fan, Vice Commodore. Also present via Zoom were Bob Naeger, Purser, and Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman. The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Greg gave the vice commodore report for 2023 and stated that the January speakers will be Natalie Wiest and Bob Scaldino who will talk about their trip on the Allagash River in Maine; and the February speaker will be Christly Long who will talk about The Week of Rivers coordinated by the North Carolina Canoe Club.


Bob gave the purser report via Zoom and stated that November had low expenses but 40 dollars in the hole for tee-shirt discrepancy.


Christy stated the newsletter is going well. She will be sending an email asking for articles and pictures. Will do an update with Brent. She stated that Cindy Bartos has been yearly uploading history of officers. Christy will bring the tee-shirts to the picnic.


Alice gave the membership report in Tim’s absence and stated that Facebook has 890 members. There are 11 renewals in November for a total membership of 144.


Tom gave the conservation report and talked about the vape cartridges which contain batteries and nicotine being dumped in the San Marcos and negatively affecting the environment. He recommends saying something if you see someone discarding them in the river. Clear Creek Watershed meeting on 12/15 via zoom.


Lynn Andrus has reserved camping sites at Lake Bastrop South Shore Park on April 30, 2023, for LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) -Energy, Water, Community with ACA instructor, Jeff Atkins.


Bruce stated we only had one event in November at Lake Charlotte. There are many paddling events coming up in December.


Natalie reviewed HCC history and procedures with the new officers. She handed out a flyer that included a recommendation that the website needs to be changed in 2023 due to a change in our insurance from Paddle America Club to Paddlesport Risk Management; a financial report emailed from Bob Naeger including the 2023 budget report; obligations of officers; and the new electronic yearly waivers. Bob mentioned that the vice commodore is supposed to oversee corporate records but in practice the purser does this. Natalie mentioned that the new insurance should be re-evaluated end-of-year, 2023.


Meeting adjourned at 8:25.


Recorder, Alice Nissen