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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-12 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
November 9, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Bayland Community Center by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. HCC Officers in attendance and introduced were Bob Naeger, Purser; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor. Also introduced was Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman. The October meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 


Bob gave the purser report: Total income at the end of October was $3059: $609 from tee-shirt orders, $2450 from dues. Expenses are $1908 for a balance of $1125 (inflated with tee-shirt money which will soon be deducted).


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report. There have been five events since last meeting, with 14 participants of which 12 were members and 2 were nonmembers, for a total of 54.12 miles. Total miles for the year are 677.39 miles. Members who have accumulated over 100 miles are Bruce Bodson, David Portz, Doug Fairchild, Constantin Platon, Karen Suggs, Tim Brooking, Christy Long, Kent Walters, and Greg Fan. Members who have accumulated over 50 miles are Brent Hwang, Joe Coker, Bob Scaldino, Duan Heckelsberg, Tom Douglas, Fran Wilcox, Alice Nissen. Events included Bruce’s trip on 10/15, 23 miles on the Brazos from FM1458 to FM1093; on 10/15, Constantin’s day paddle on Lake Texana for 8 miles; on 10/21, Kent’s trip on Moose Antlers of Lake De Gray for 6 miles; on 10/22 on 50/10 Race on Lost River; Fran’s trip at Goliad on 11/5 for 6.6 miles. Upcoming events: on 12/11 Christmas paddle on Lake Charlotte and picnic. On 12/21, bird counts at Wharton County Peach Creek and on January 1 and 2, San Jacinto Wilderness bird count. On New Year’s Day, Harmon has posted a camping and paddling trip on San Marcos.


Tim gave the boatswain report: He stated there are 143 members, 6 new members (none of whom were at the meeting), 12 renewals and 879 Facebook members


Tom Douglas gave the conservation report. Water quality monitoring demonstration of river measurements. Clear Creek Watershed Partnership upcoming meetings and kid friendly videos, episode 20, on watersheds. Houston Flooding, Below the Waterline. Sacred Springs display in Austin. On March 4, annual San Marcus Cleanup.


Christy stated the newsletter going well. She appreciates all the articles and pictures members have contributed.


 Tim announced new business: the election of Brent Hwang, commodore, and Greg Fan, vice commodore, and Christy Long, newsletter editor. All were unanimously voted in for 2023 by 12 members.


Tim reminded everyone to register for the picnic/paddle on December 11. He also mentioned that Natalie and Bob Scaldino would give a presentation on their trip on the Allagash and in February.


Harmon gave the safety minute and reminded us to have our paperwork in order: living will, up to date insurance, directives, investment accounts and to attach a laminated card to kayak with personal information for emergencies. Tim stated we have them at the membership table for anyone to take.


Tim introduced our presenter, Chuck Pierce from Beaumont who talked about building a plywood quick canoe. He has participated in the Texas 200 race 14 times in his sailing canoes. He brought the latest sailing canoe he built using Michael Storer’s design and instructions in “How to Build Canoe,” which he stated were precise and easy to follow. The boat can be built quickly (this boat took two weekends to build); and is very inexpensive. He spent $250 which included the paint (he used two coats of primer which takes five weeks to harden) and plywood. The boat weighs 70 pounds. We were all very intrigued by his boat and thanked him for spending the time to show us his remarkable craftsmanship.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45



Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
November 2, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Tim Brooking, Boatswain. Also present were Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms; Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman; and Greg Fan, 2023 Vice Commodore.  The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Bob stated we were closer to budget last month. Next year’s budget based on 110 members paying dues. Can add or delete from categories. He will share new budget for approval at the board meeting in December.


Tim stated we have six new members, 12 renewals for a total membership of 143, and 879 Facebook members.


Bruce stated we had four events since last meeting.


Christy stated the newsletter is going well. She is working with Tim on monitoring Facebook. Visitors who are deleted cannot see the site again. Houston Canoe and Kayak Club asked if they could put their trips on our website and Christy answered “no.” Natalie stated we could be liable if not a Paddle America Club.


Tom mentioned the annual awards of Terry Hershey Bayou Stewardship for Andy Sansom, Rachel Powers and Mike Garver. Clear Creek Watershed Protection meeting at 1:30 tomorrow. On 10/21, a demonstration from Texas Stream Team on measurements on rivers and ways to figure out CSF yourself. He encouraged us to tune in to the "Below the Waterlines" podcast series on radio station KUHF.


Ann stated she will submit the tee-shirt order this week. She will bring the shirts to the picnic and/or the January meeting. The vendor will keep our print on -file for future orders.


Natalie brought up the subject of our insurance with ACA. It seems that ACA is all about Olympic sports and has little interest in paddle clubs. Bob stated he felt they are not doing much for us. Paddle Sports discussed. Three events can be attended at no charge. No individual dues. Cost may be more than ACA because of our membership count, maybe four to five hundred more per year. There are several alternative insurance companies we can consider.


Natalie stated our meeting room is setup at Bayland for 2023. Tim will conduct the general meeting next week in Natalie’s absence. She will send Tim agenda for the meeting. Bruce will conduct the election of Commodore and Vice Commodore. Bob stated we need 10 percent of eligible members present (about 12 to 14) to have a voting quorum.


Natalie stated she finally gave John Rich his commemorative paddle.


Alice asked if KFC chicken, chili and side dishes would be okay for the picnic. Everyone agreed that would be fine.


Christy stated she will send out announcement regarding premeeting dinner. Greg said he will come early and help set up meeting to get familiar with procedure. Bob stated he will be there at six o’clock. The board will meet in-person next month to familiarize new officers with procedures.


Meeting adjourned at 8:05.



Recorder, Alice Nissen