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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2022-11 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
October 12, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Bayland Community Center by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. HCC Officers in attendance and introduced were Bob Naeger, Purser; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain (via Zoom); Christy Long, Newsletter Editor. Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms, and Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman (via Zoom) were present. The September meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 

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Natalie Weist, Commodore

Bob gave the purser report: the September year to date income is $2000 (mainly from membership dues); expenses $1672; balance of $328. He stated we are solvent.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report. Upcoming River Festival at Hidalgo Falls. Trips last month totaled 47.38 miles with 20 participants that included 17 members and three nonmembers. In 2022, there have been 52 events for a total of 623.27 miles. Members accumulating over 100 miles are Christy Long, Kent Walters, Greg Fan, Bruce Bodson, Tim Brooking, Doug Fairchild, Constantin Platon, Karen Suggs, David Portz. Members over 50 miles are Joe Coker, Bob Scaldino, Alice Nissen, Fran Wilcox, Sarah Hook, Faye Morrisey, Tom Douglas, Duane Heckelsberg, Brent Hwang. Trips: On 09/25, Brazos River trip, SH21 to FM60. The river was at an historic low. On 10/2, Picket’s Bayou to Cedar Hill Park for 12 miles; crossed six different venues; 12 paddlers. On 10/5, Kent Walters paddled The Narrows Dam, Arkansas. After gate release, the water moving fast; 6.25 miles. Greens Bayou Regatta: Karen Suggs reported David Portz came in 2nd in his category and Sarah Hook came in 1st and Fay Morrissey came in 2nd in women’s adventure class. Upcoming events: On 10/15, FM1458 to FM1093 for 23 miles on the Brazos. Also on 10/15, Constantin Platon has a paddle with camping at Lake Texana. On 10/16, Rotary Regatta on Clear Creek for 7 miles. On 10/22, Lost River 50 race to Trinity Delta for 50 miles. On 10/29, Colorado River for 38 miles. On 11/8, Fran Wilcox’s Fall Flotilla trip at Goliad.


Tim gave the boatswain report: He stated there are 145 members, 869 Facebook members, with five new members last month and eight renewing members. He introduced new members who were present at the meeting: Clarissa Wu, Eric Smith, Keith Morgan, and Naomi Brown.


Tom Douglas gave the conservation report: Clear Creek Watershed Partnership is developing a plan to bring the water quality in Clear Creek up to state standards. They need paddler input. More information on the conservation forum. Below the Waterlines: How Houston has changed five years after Hurricane Harvey – Flooding’s effects on individuals, rebuilding with flood-resilient structures, and the challenges of finding funding for projects. There are five different episodes on 88.7. Tom stated these are award winning programs. More information on HCC conservation forum. “Sacred Springs” Exhibit at Austin Central Library View, on the general forum of Waterline. Flyable art kites created by artists from across the US to honor more than 1100 springs in Texas. A highly recommended visit by Tom. On 10/8, Greens Bayou Regatta. More information on the paddling forum.


Christy reminded us to send trip pictures and articles for the newsletter.


Bruce, head of the nominating committee, stated there are two nominees up for election in November: Brent Hwang for commodore and Greg Fan for vice commodore. We also need a webmaster but have no nominees currently. Bob Naeger, purser; Alice Nissen, recorder; Tim Brooking, boatswain; and Bruce Bodson, fleet captain will remain on the board.


Natalie gave the safety minute, showing a picture of a kayaker tied to a truck going through flood waters: not a good idea.


November speaker will be Chuck Pierce on using plywood to build a canoe. December will be our annual Christmas picnic on 12/11. January meeting: Natalie Wiest and Bob Scaldino will talk about their trip on the Allagash.

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Tom Helm, October Speaker

Tom Helm with TCRA, Canoe and Kayak Racing in Texas, was introduced. He has been canoeing for 30 years. Grew up in New Orleans where he did a lot of duck hunting. Why race: camaraderie, being outdoors, fitness, testing limits of ability, desire to compete. Racers/paddlers have awareness of waterways i.e., access points and encourage officials to protect and support public access to rivers. Most races take place on the San Marcus River, Martindale, and the Houston area. The sport is growing for all levels of competition. Boat types that race are canoes (Alumacraft Voyager is the fastest), maximum length 17’6”. Kayaks have a larger range of styles than canoes. Other boats are standup paddle boards, outrigger canoes, dragon boats, high kneel Olympic canoes, concrete canoes, sailing canoes. TCRA was formed in 1970 by Tom Goynes. Name changed to TCKRA recognizing kayaks. Tom talked about what goes into organizing a race. The largest race is the Texas Water Safari, 264 miles from San Marcos to Sanddrift. Buffalo Bayou Regatta, formed 1970 by Wayne Walls, is the largest single day canoe race. Greens Bayou Regatta is 7.7 miles; started in 2016 and is 75 percent plastic kayaks. Tom’s presentation was enjoyed by all.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45




Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
October 5, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor. Also present was Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms. The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Bob stated we made low budget estimates for this year, i.e., unexpected increased credit card fees. We are current with speaker gifts. No budget made for next year yet. We bought a membership with American Whitewater and did not renew. AW in budget but TPRA is not. Bob will pay American Whitewater and something to TPRA.


Ann and Alice will collect orders for tee-shirts at the general meeting next week. Will advertise tee-shirts in Facebook. A general announcement will be made in the general forum.


Bob asked that we bring the old computer, projector, and paraphernalia to the general meeting to get serial numbers for inventory and then dispose of unwanted equipment.


Bruce stated we have had three trips since our last meeting: Brazos SH21 to FM60 with David Portz, Doug Fairchild and Bruce Bodson. Kent’s trip in Arkansas for 12 miles. Natalie’s and Joe’s trip from Pickett’s Bayou to Cedar Hill Park. Bruce will be at Surfside Beach Nature Fest on Saturday, October 8.


Christy stated the newsletter has been running smoothly. She had the opportunity to redo the web page which she is still formatting. She also mentioned the new river gage button she has added to the web page.


Natalie stated we are 42nd in line for Bayland meeting room reservation for next year. They will take 5-10 working days to work out the schedule.


Getting valid up-to-date ACA numbers for trips was discussed. HASK has figured out a way to do this. The only time ACA checks to see if numbers submitted are current is when a claim is filed.


Natalie will use one of Harmon’s safety minutes for the general meeting.


It was decided to have dinner at Thai Cottage, and we need to notify speaker.


Nomination for commodore is Brent Hwang and for vice commodore is Greg Fan.


Alice stated the pavilion has been reserved for the picnic on December 11th.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00.


Recorder, Alice Nissen