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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-10 8 Commodore's Report

Notes From the Commodore’s Corner
October 2022
by Natalie Wiest


As I keyboard, hummingbirds are buzzing by my window to the nearby feeder.  It’s a reminder that the fall migration is in full swing, and time for us to get buzzing too, and on the water.  Summer seems reluctant to let go its hot and humid grip but there is hope and soon we’ll all be paddling in cool comfort.  Well, we can always hope.

Perhaps you’ve already planned to go on the October trip from Pickett’s Bayou.  Unfortunately, it’s been dry along with the heat and the low water may mean we’ll have to change our course.  There’s a water flow restrictor on the planned route and it will be closed if the Trinity River is too low.  Not to worry, we’ll find water somewhere and hopefully not get a surprise like the weed-choked waterway on Champion Lake a few weeks back.

IMHO, it’s time also for a migration and course change for the canoe club.  I would very much like to pass the torch and share the joys of leadership with someone else.  The Club has meant a great deal to me over the past 40 or so years I’ve been a member.  I look at my service to the club as a payback for so much I have learned and adventures I’ve had.  Our Nominating Committee has a good slate of nominees but there is still time for you to put your name in for a Commodore or Vice Commodore.  Our hardworking Board is otherwise planning to stay the same.  However, there is one non-elected position, that of Webmaster (who also manages Facebook) which desperately needs some help.  Christy and Bob have really covered us for vacant positions, and we sure don’t want to wear them out!  If you’re good at Zoom and its attendant technology that would be a huge plus as well.

I’ll look forward to seeing you online or in person for the October meeting.  The Nominating Committee will be presenting their candidates for the election in November.  Please consider self-nominating and in any case, we’ll all need to give our new members our support.  And let’s get back on the water!


Natalie Wiest

Commodore, Houston Canoe Club


The author, Natalie Wiest