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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-09 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
August 10, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Bayland Community Center by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. Officers in attendance and introduced were Bob Naeger, Purser; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; and Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms. Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, was present via Zoom. The last meeting minutes were approved. 

IMG 9245 2Meeting was called to order by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. Photo by Tim Brooking.

Bob gave the purser report and stated that our income exceeded our expenses.

Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report: Last month there were six paddling events for a total of 70.6 miles, with 29 participants of which 24 were members of HCC and five were nonmembers. One event was cancelled. As of 2022, there have been 41 events for a total of 526 miles with 54 participants of which 37 were members and 17 were nonmembers. Trips included Brazos River SH159 to FM529 for 19 miles; Lost River 40 Recon 3 for 18 miles; Islets Cover, Arkansas, 3.6 miles; picnic paddle and dinner 3 miles; and the Neches Wilderness Race for 20 miles. Bruce stated roughly 90 people and 75 boats participated in the race. There were log jams and lots of boat dragging. Upcoming events: Brazos River FM539 to FM1458 for 14 miles and Brazos River FM979 to US 70.

Participants who have accumulated over 100 miles: Bruce Bodson 297 miles; Karen Suggs 165 miles; Constantin Platon 161 miles; David Portz 148 miles; Doug Fairchild 143 miles; and Tim Brooking 140 miles. Participants who have accumulated over 50 miles: Brent Hwang 92 miles; Christy Long 91 miles; Kent Walters 87 miles; Joe Cocker 55 miles; Bob Scaldino 53 miles; and Duane Heckelsberg 52 miles.

Tim gave the boatswain report and stated that in July we gained seven new members, 10 renewals for a total membership of 147 and 900 Facebook followers. He introduced the new members who attended the meeting: Larry Muller is Tim’s neighbor and recently purchased a kayak. Tyrone White joined last month and has purchased a new kayak and participated in several events. Tim Pudlewski recently moved from Arizona. Andrea Coker is an experienced sit-on-top kayaker. Daniel Weaver is an avid birder who also wants to start kayaking. Naomi Brown also wants to begin kayaking.

Tom gave the conservation report. He talked about the new Buffalo Bayou Bio-Vac boat that vacuums up trash on the surface of water which then goes into a dumpster with a hydraulic lift.

On July 15, preliminary background data on the Clear Creek Watershed Partnership was studied which found bacteria, loss of habitat, and dumping toxic contamination. They need input from citizens. More information on the Conservation Forum in the August issue of Waterline. A new study of flood tunnels plans to address flooding. Is it a good idea? Buffalo Bayou was looked at and was not met with acceptance. A community plan was worked on by 35 environmental leaders. On Tuesday, at 9 a.m. on 88.7: August 2, a program about how Houston changed since Hurricane Harvey; August 9, 5 years after Harvey; August 16, how flood control can go green.

Christy commented on the newsletter and stated she appreciated all the help she has received with articles and pictures. Post a picture on the website and it will go in the newsletter.

Ann brought a sample
tee-shirt. She is going to make the logo higher in the front and the pictures bigger in the back. She stated that with 11 or more orders, we would get a discount. All sizes are the same price. She will send an email with pricing and will also put in the newsletter and Facebook. If you order on your own, needs to be a light color for the graphics to show up.

A nominating committee has been selected and includes Bruce Bodson, Alice Nissen and Tim Brooking. Positions up for nominations are the vice commodore, webmaster, and commodore.

Natalie stated that Chris Arceneaux is the new local ACA representative, and he is pushing ACA to get on Club Express so that one can obtain access to HCC and HASK memberships in ACA.

Natalie gave the safety minute based on Harmon Everett’s newsletter article. More accidents happen off the river than on. Keep helmet on when walking on rocks.

Bob mentioned upcoming presentations: Kristen Vale with American Bird Conservancy on September 15th, Thursday, which will be a joint meeting with HASK; October, Tom Helm on canoe and kayak racing in Texas; December, Christmas party; January, Natalie will do a presentation on her trip on the Allagash River in Maine; February, Christy will do a presentation on her participation in Week of Rivers,
 whitewater at all different skill levels.

IMG 9254 2
Mike Mullenweg, Lead Interpretive Ranger/Events and Trails Coordinator of Brazoria County Park. Photo by Tim Brooking


Bob introduced tonight’s presenter, Mike Mullenweg, Lead Interpretive Ranger/Events and Trails Coordinator of Brazoria County Parks. He leads one trip per month from 9 to noon. The trips are four to seven miles and designed for beginning paddlers. He has eight tandem sit-on-tops and 6 singles for those who need kayaks. Trips are open to anyone. He only has two rules: sign a release form and wear a lifejacket. Fishing is discouraged. There are 11 parks and 20 boat ramps that can be used in Brazoria County. His favorite paddle is at Hanson Riverside County Park on the San Bernard River. The paddle goes north about 2 ½ miles to a saltwater barrier. The Buffalo Camp County Park in Lake Jackson is another trip he recommends. Oyster Creek in Lake Jackson begins at Dunbar Park. The paddle goes through Lake Jackson. This trip has the most difficult put in and take out. Another popular trip is on Chocolate Bay at FM2004. The wind on this trip is more critical to safety than the tides. San Luis Pass County Park has good camping and fishing and paddling around Mud Island. A trip to Bird Island is planned each June where one can see pelicans, puff balls and many other kinds of birds. Wolf Island from FM2918 meets intercostal waterway. The county dredges for easier access to the island. The beach has no footprints or cars but by noon there are lots of pleasure crafts. Brochures were placed on the visitor table. Call or email Mike if you wish to be put on his trip email list. His presentation was enjoyed by all, and we look forward to going on some of his trips.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30


Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
August 3, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor. Also present was Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms. The last board meeting minutes were approved. 


Natalie asked Tim for insights and comments about the July picnic. Tim stated there were positive comments about the catering. He wrote a good review in “Travel Review.” Next year, we should have the food table written into the contract. One paddler tipped and no one was there to help him. Also, three people were on the water when the picnic had ended, and they didn’t get back until 9:00. Next year we should have two official paddles instead of a free-for-all. Very few ACA waivers were signed. We owed 100 dollars and collected 30 dollars leaving the club paying 70 dollars. Next time we should assign someone the task of managing attendance signup sheet and getting waivers signed.


Bob gave the purser report and stated that the mailbox price has increased. Bruce promised to purchase the 100-miler gifts this month.


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated we have seven new members and 10 renewals in July, for a total of 145 members and 853 Facebook members.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report and stated there were six trips since the last meeting. Most were the small trips of Kent Walter’s. He gave all the picnic paddlers 3 miles credit.


Christy stated the August Newsletter went well. She has one article from Harmon thus far for the September issue.


Ann passed around a signup sheet for the new t-shirts at the picnic to get a handle on what sizes will be needed, how many, short- or long-sleeves, etc. Most attendees were interested in buying a shirt. She stated the logo needs to be a little higher and the graphics on the back need to be bigger.  She will bring a signup sheet to the general meeting. Fifty percent cotton and 10 percent polyester does not wrinkle.  These shirts will be set up for order on-line. More than 10 people, you get a price break. One can order on their own, however, there will be shipping and tax. She will get prices on shirts with SPF. Ann will send a link with more information. Natalie stated she will get a vote at the general meeting to get an idea of how many want t-shirts. HCC is not investing in this project and will not make a profit on it.


Natalie stated that Chris Arceneaux is the new ACA Regional Representative.


Bob stated we are going to have a joint meeting with HASK in September on the third Thursday of the month, September 15. Will need to send multiple reminders on the forum. Both HASK and HCC were pursuing the same speaker, so it seemed reasonable to combine meetings. Pre-dinner will be at IKEA. Bob asked Christy to host the meeting for him and she agreed and stated she will bring a second computer. Bob will drop off equipment at Ann’s.


Natalie stated we will have the pre-meeting dinner next week at a barbecue restaurant. She will send notification to our presenter, Mike.


Natalie stated she will summarize Harmon’s latest safety minute from the newsletter for the safety minute at the general meeting.


Natalie stated we need a nominating committee for the next election: Bruce Bodson, Tim Brooking and Alice Nissen volunteered. She will call for nominations for vice commodore, webmaster, and commodore at the October meeting. Voting and additional nominations will be in November and in January new officers will be sworn in.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45.

Recorder, Alice Nissen