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HomeNL-2022-08 8 Conservation Repor

Conservation Report
place holder 2022
by Tom Douglas


Our Region’s 23 Watershed-Based Plans


 Watershed Based Plans Map

Our Region’s 23 Watershed-Based Plans


There are two types of watershed-based plans, which differ according to the impairments or concerns for a specific watershed.


A Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) is a voluntary, locally-led approach to address impairments of state water quality standards, along with other water-related concerns.


A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a regulatory process that is triggered by specific evidence of one or more water quality impairments. First, a detailed calculation determines the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. Then, an Implementation Plan (I-Plan) is developed to bring the water body into compliance. 

HCC Website Resources: How is the Quality of Our Surface Water Protected?





Clear Creek

WPP Underway

Clear Creek Watershed Map

The Clear Creek Watershed




Staff of the Houston-Galveston Area Council have prepared a Clear Creek Water Quality Data Collection and Trends Analysis Report. This will be the basis for development of a Watershed Protection Plan to provide a roadmap for future action, a point of coordination for local decision-makers, and an avenue for attracting additional funding to support local efforts. Key issues include Bacteria, Sediment, Flooding, Excess Nutrients, Trash/Dumping, and Habitat Loss.


As for all of the watershed-based plans, stakeholder input will be crucial


The contact person is:

Justin Bower, Project Manager




Cotton Bayou

TMDL Underway


Staff of the Houston-Galveston Area Council have compiled a Watershed Characterization Report that will form the basis for a TMDL Project to reduce bacteria concentrations enough to comply with state water quality standards.


Other serious concerns are the presence of high levels of nutrients and low levels of dissolved oxygen.


Stakeholder involvement will be an important part of the decision-making process for developing  strategies to achieve the water quality goals. 


The contact person is:

Rachel Windham, Project Manager


Phone: 713.993.2497

The author, Tom Douglas