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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2022-06 8 Conservation Repor

Conservation Report
June 2022
by Tom Douglas

Clear Creek Watershed Partnership


Photo by Tom Douglas 

During its April 27 meeting, the Clear Creek Watershed Partnership
     * Reviewed the technical data that have been gathered
     * Learned which water quality issues are the most pressing 
     * Elected the Steering Committe, which will lead its future work

This is a good time to get involved.

Learn more at  


Bayou Wonderland Gala

BPA 2022 Gala Attendees

What: Annual gala to support the work of Bayou Preservation Association

Where: Houston Botanic Garden (outside)

When: Wednesday April 27 at 6:30 PM

Theme: Alice in Wonderland
Representing HCC: Cindy Bartos, John Bartos, Tom Douglas, Alice Nissen, Linda Shead


Book Signing for Viva Texas Rivers!

Viva Texas Rivers Book Signing

The Book

New from Texas A&M Press.  Link 

Over 90 contributions from Texas writers – songs, poems, recollections of river trips, essays, fold-out maps, and more.

The Event - May 8, 2022 in San Marcos 
Welcomes by book editor Steven Davis and Texas State University President Dr. Denise Trauth. 
The Viva Texas Rivers! exhibit  Link 

Readings by several authors.
Video tribute to writers and their rivers.
Discussion of "The State of Texas Rivers Today". 
Book signing by many of the authors. 

The author, Tom Douglas