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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2022-06 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
May 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Bayland Community Center by Bob Naeger, filling-in for Natalie Wiest. Officers in attendance and introduced were Bob Naeger, Purser; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; and Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain, and Tim Brooking, Boatswain. The last meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated that there are three new members and nine renewals this month for a total membership of 141 and 818 Facebook followers.


Bob gave the purser report: $875 income, $650 expenses; $1000 budget, $900 spent; checking account balance $226.


Tom gave the conservation report. Texas Watershed steward training on April 5 (see link on the conservation forum). On April 9, Art Car Parade: Bayou Preservation Association’s car theme was Celebrate, Protect, Restore. On April 27, Clear Creek Watershed Partnership. A good time to get involved. The link is on the forum. Also on April 27, the Bayou Wonderland Gala. On May 12, Restoration of Sheldon Lake State Parkland and Bayou Greenways. Monthly meeting of Sierra Club. Marissa Llosa, conservation manager for Houston Parks, will speak on conservation issues. On May 14, Bay Day Festival at Kemah Boardwalk. On May 31, San Marcos: education for kids.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report. Since the last meeting, there were seven events with 30 participants (18 members and 12 nonmembers) for a total of 92.76 miles. As of this year, 2022, there have been 25 mileage events for a total of 332 miles. Top participants are Bruce Bodson and David Portz, nine trips each; Karen Suggs, eight trips; Christy Long, seven trips; Tom Douglas, six trips. Some upcoming trips are Brazos on May 4, Old River Paddle on May 23, Lake Woodlands’ night paddle concert on June 4. July 30 is our annual summer picnic and paddle at Marriott Lake. Leslie Taylor mentioned that June 5 is “Pimp Your Kayak Day.” From 10 to 5 o’clock, she will have an open house at her warehouse. This is a HASK event, but everyone is welcome.


The speaker for this evening, Rachel Worthens with Houston/Galveston Council, was introduced. She did her grad studies on Rangia clams at Texas A&M. Galveston Bay is the largest estuary of the Texas Coast and is thus ecologically important. San Jacinto and the Trinity River comprise most of the freshwater inflow. There are two species of Rangia clams: Rangia cuneata and Rangia flexuosa. The clams are filter feeders. The clams are not commercially harvested. Food for waterfowl, fish and crustacean. They spawn in salinities 2-10. Adults are intolerant of salinities higher than 18. They are bioindicators of freshwater inflows. Overtime, Rangia clams in Galveston Bay have declined in abundance. Current Rangia distribution resembles patterns in 2000. Pollutants may contribute to effect on clam population, as well as climate change, global warming, sea level rise, and global environment. We appreciated and enjoyed learning about the Rangia clams from Rachel’s excellent presentation.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.



Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
May 4, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain. Also present was Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms. The last board meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 


Natalie stated that the Texas Monthly Magazine contacted her regarding an upcoming issue and asked her to recommend a good place to enjoy the water and she gave them three places. She also stated that Constantin Platon is no longer the Vice Commodore.


Bruce gave the fleet captain report and stated that there have been seven trips since the last meeting for a total of 92.7 miles: 3 trips on the Brazos; 1 trip on Turtle Bayou; a very windy trip on Christmas Bay; and a 3-day trip on San Marcus. Eighteen members participated and 12 nonmembers. To-date, there have been a total of 25 trips for a total of 332 miles.


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated that there are three new members and nine renewals this month for a total membership of 141 and 818 Facebook followers. Christy asked Tim if he would be willing to monitor the Facebook account, checking for requests and questions about joining HCC. He agreed to help with this.


Natalie asked who has the waivers and how long they are good for. Bob stated there is no way to link up and verify ACA memberships. She also stated that she will be out of town for the general meeting. Bob offered to run the meeting in her absence.


Bob presented the purser report. Everything looks good, he stated. Three separate charges for domain name which is good for 5 years and a software expense we were not expecting.


Bob contacted the Courtyard Marriott and was given a sample menu. The picnic is to be held at the Marriott Lake in Sugarland on July 30. The budget for the picnic is 300 dollars. There will be a fee for guests. The picnic may go from late afternoon to early evening. Christy, Tim, and Bob will help coordinate event.


Christy stated that Willie Younger has been contacting her regarding his project helping to prevent veteran suicides. He requested HCC coordinate some trips for veterans, and Christy said she would plan an overnight trip.


Natalie thinks it’s time to make a new batch of HCC shirts. Some comments were made that they should be of good quality and that it’s difficult to get agreement on what kind of shirt. Ann said she would coordinate with Bob and Tim.


More discussion about Arkansas becoming a sister club. Natalie stated that it’s okay to copy articles from our Newsletter, but it must be named as the original source.


Christy will contact our speaker for the general meeting next week to reaffirm.


Volunteer groups are needed for Nurdle Patrol to sample coastal and inland streams and rivers. Only 1 sample per month required and 10 minutes to do protocol forms. Bob has arranged for Jace Tunnell from Nurdle Patrol to speak at our July meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Recorder, Alice Nissen