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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-05 8 Conservation Report

Conservation Report
May 2022
by Tom Douglas

Clear Creek Watershed Partnership


Photo by Tom Douglas 

The first meeting, to introduce the planning process, was held on March 3. The next meeting is scheduled for April 27, online at 1:30 PM. 

Nominations (including self-nominations) are now open for the Partnership’s Steering Committee. This is a good time to get involved.

Clear Creek's number one water quality issue is Contact Recreation due to an excessive level of bacteria. Other impairments are Excess Nutrients, Sediment, Flooding, Trash/Dumping, and Habitat Loss.

Learn more at  


Bayou Wonderland Gala – April 27

What: Annual gala to support the work of Bayou Preservation Association

Where: Houston Botanic Garden (outside)

When: Wednesday April 27 at 6:30 PM

Theme: Alice in Wonderland

Reservations and Tickets: Contact Ryan Francisco, Outreach and Engagement Manager, at


Viva Texas Rivers! – Exhibit Open Through May 31


The Book

New from Texas A&M Press.

Over 90 contributions from Texas writers – songs, poems, recollections of river trips, essays, fold-out maps, and more.

The Exhibit

Now open on the campus of Texas State University in San Marcos.
Among many other objects, it features the canoe paddle that was used by John Graves during his epic three-week paddle down the Brazos River, as chronicled in his book Goodbye to a River.
Links to both are posted on the HCC General Forum.

The Book

The Exhibit

The author, Tom Douglas