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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2022-05 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
April 13, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Bayland Community Center. Officers in attendance and introduced were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; and Bob Naeger, Purser. Also present were Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman; Ann Derby, Sargent at Arms; and Veronica Ordaz, our newly appointed Webmaster. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain, and Tim Brooking, Boatswain. The last meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report. Since the last meeting, there were eight events with 22 participants for a total of 79.2 miles. As of this year, 2022, there have been 18 paddling events for a total of 239 miles of which 33 members and six non-members participated. Constantin Platon has accumulated over 100 miles and Karen Suggs and Bruce Bodson have close to 100. Trips in March: March 13, Colorado River from Smithville to Plum Park for 16.8 miles; March 19, Colorado River from Plum Park to LaGrange for 19.0 miles; March 23, Ouachita River, Sims to Dragover for 8 miles; March 26, Armand Bayou Trash Bash for 2 miles. Trips in April:  April 1, Cadron Creek, Arkansas, for 10.4 miles; April 2, Brazos River, San Felipe to Simonton for 22.6 miles; and April 6, Caddo River, Norman to Caddo Gap for16.7 miles. Upcoming trips: April 16, Old River Lake for 10 miles and Brazos River for 20-21 mile; April 23, Bay City Rally for 11 miles, Christmas Bay, and Turkey Bend Trash Cleanup (Buffalo Bayou). On May 5, Old River Paddling Trail (not an ACA event).


Tim gave the boatswain report. He stated that we have 139 members and 802 Facebook members. He introduced our new member (and new webmaster) Veronica Ordaz.


Bob gave the purser report and stated that our income for March was $550, expense was $386 (which is about half of our budget) and checking account balance is $164.


Christy reminded us to send trip reports with pictures. She mentioned a new feature in the newsletter, “From the Bow,” and asked us to contribute pictures for this.


Tom gave the conservation report. He mentioned some noteworthy conservation events in March were the Armand Bayou Trash Bash; the Regional Conservation Initiative where 3 projects were picked, one of which is the Turtle Bayou Nature Preserve. On April 5, Texas Watershed Steward Training. On April 9, Art Car Parade. On April 7, 12, 20, 25 Hill Country Alliance, the first annual spring water revival.  On April 27, Clear Creek Watershed Partnership­-a good time to get involved. On April 27, Bayou Preservation Gala, Alice in Wonderland theme. Exhibit at Texas State University in San Marcus through May.


Tom gave the safety minute and reminded us to always bring a whistle in your PFD and a good pocketknife.


Bob Scaldino is well known for the many exciting paddling trips he has taken over the years such as week-long trips in Scotland, British Columbia, the New England coast, and many other places. He informed us that he has been paddling for 22 years and is one of the original HASK members. The trip he is sharing with us tonight began in Western Washington at Olympic National Park. He showed pictures of Sol Duc Falls, Elwha River, Madison Falls, Rialto Beach and the Hoh Rain Forest. He showed a most impressive picture of huge driftwood, at least 20 feet high, on Rialto Beach and river otters on the Hoh River. Then onto Port Angeles to the Victoria Ferry. In Victoria, a visit to the Royal BC Museum. Then onto the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve which is 197 square miles and over 100 islands and home of humpback whales, seals, otters, black bears, deer, crabs and sea urchins. The paddling trip was with Canadian Paddlers. Kayaks were rented at the Broken Island Lodge for 5 days of paddling to various islands, such as Benson Island and Gibraltar Island. The pictures showed a beautiful part of our world and an enviable paddling trip. Bob is planning another trip in July to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway which is part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Bob was thanked for showing us his incredibly beautiful paddling trip and was presented with a book. 


Meeting was adjourned at 8:45.


Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
April 6, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers in attendance via Zoom were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain. Also present were Tom Douglas, Conservation, and Veronica Ordaz, our newly appointed Webmaster. The last board meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 


Natalie stated that she will contact Bob Scaldino, our April speaker, to remind him about bringing his thumb drive for his presentation. Rachel Windham will talk about Rangia clams for the May meeting. We do not have speakers for June or July. Natalie thanked Veronica for volunteering to be our webmaster and Veronica said she is looking forward to helping. Christy has familiarized Veronica with our website. Natalie has received correspondence from Malcolm Le Fevre asking about canoe rentals in our area. Tom suggested Oyster Creek, Southwest Paddle in the Woodlands, and REI North. Natalie talked about the request for Arkansas to be our sister paddling club. Bruce stated it is strictly symbolic and there is not an up- or downside. We collect 10 dollars for attendees on our trips who are not ACA members regardless. Natalie said she will write a draft response to the request and will let the board review it before sending it to Kent. Natalie would like to have a swap meet at the next picnic. We need to decide on a month. Bob will look into the catering cost at Oyster Creek as a possible venue for the picnic. 


Bob presented the purser report. Income is behind budget but not worrisome. Bruce will buy the mileage awards and will bring them to the general meeting in May. That expense will bring the budget up to date. Two-hundred-dollar bank draw was for domain name. Bob is not sure why they are billing us again. He will check with Kent for history of this procedure. He stated that all other expenses are normal. Membership is down a little bit but that will “shake out.”


Christy stated that the newsletter is going well. She forgot to upload an April trip report for Kent and will publish it in May.


Bruce gave the fleet captain report and stated that we had a busy month in March with eight different events that accrued mileage of 79.2, with 22 different participants, 18 of which were members. Natalie said there was a good crowd at the Armand Bayou Trash Bash. Bruce stated he finally got back on the Brazos. He noticed they are doing work under I10, and one can get access the water without having to deal with a sheer cliff as before. Instead of doing 20 to 40 miles on the Brazos, he suggested we could do some easy out and back 6 milers at this put in. More trips in April: Bay City Run, lower Colorado river, Christmas Bay, trash bash on Buffalo Bayou, Natalie’s trip on the 16th, and Bruce’s 20 plus miles on the 16th.


Tom reminded us about the Art Car parade on April 9. He asked Natalie about the trash bash, and she stated the weather was great, but the water was low making it difficult to get to the banks. He stated the Regional Conservation Initiative on March 30 picked three projects, one of which is the Turtle Bayou Nature Preserve. For more information, there are links on the Conservation Forum. On April 5, Texas Watershed had steward training at Pearland. All month there will be programs about water. On April 27, the Clear Creek Watershed Partnership is meeting at 1:30 in the afternoon. It’s a good time to get involved. You don’t have to be an expert to participate. April 7 at 6:30 is the Bayou Preservation Gala with an Alice in Wonderland theme. He reminded us again about the exhibit at San Marcos University thru May 31.


For our next safety minute at the general meeting, Tom said he could talk about bringing a small knife on paddling trips.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Recorder, Alice Nissen