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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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Homenl-2022-04 8 webmaster

Introducing New Webmaster
April 2022
by Natalie Wiest

Christy Long, our Newsletter Editor and by default, manager of things electronic, and I are delighted to have Veronica Gee Ordaz join the club as, in her words, “your friendly neighborhood Web designer”.  Veronica is fairly new to paddling and we are looking forward to trading technical Web experience for paddling experience.  Veronica was born and raised in Houston and has returned here often even when she lived in San Antonio and Austin.  She is a US Army Reserves veteran of 16 years. 

Her duties with Houston Canoe Club will be working with Club Express, the Web based manager of HCC’s electronic presence.  As a Web designer we’re sure she can help us update our website and keep up with our Facebook presence as well.  She joined us via Zoom at our March meeting.  Please give her a warm greeting when you see her online or on the water.

Welcome Veronica!


Natalie Wiest

Commodore, HCC

The author, Natalie Wiest