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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-04 8 Commodore's Report

Notes From the Commodore’s Corner
April 2022
by Natalie Wiest

Happy April HCCers, no fooling.  Time to break out that paddle as the trees are leafing out and the spring bird migration is in full swing.

Last month’s “hybrid” meeting style was a great success thanks to the efforts of Christy Long and Ann Derby.  It was wonderful to have about 16 folks in person at Bayland Center, and another 15 via Zoom. Janice Walden gave a wonderful presentation on Houston canoeing icon and conservationist Don Greene.  His private property is now a public park.  Janice and a host of volunteers have done a great job of using it as an educational tool for upcoming generations of naturalists.

We will follow the same hybrid format for our April meeting, when Bob Scaldino will present in person and online.  He will tell us about his  Broken Group Islands paddle adventure on the western edge of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.  His warm up to the paddle trip was hiking in the Olympic National Forest in Washington State.  Come in person to Bayland Center, or join us online (register on the Event Calendar to get the link).

See you soon.


Natalie Wiest

HCC Commodore


The author, Natalie Wiest