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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2022-03 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
February 9, 2022

Meeting via Zoom was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. Officers in attendance and introduced by Natalie were Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Constantin Platon, Vice Commodore. Also present was Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman.


The last general meeting minutes were unanimously approved.


Bruce Bodson was asked to give the Fleet Captain’s report. He stated that since the start of 2022, HCC has had six trips for a total of 120 miles. Constantin Platon has logged 85 miles, Karen Suggs 51, Brent Hwang 35, Bruce Bodson 34, Alice Nissen 23, and Fran Wilcox 13. Twelve HCC members and five nonmembers participated. The Texas Winter 100K race on the Colorado River was attended by two HCC members: Brent Hwang and Constantin Platon. Constantin stated it was a pretty day. They started at 5 a.m.  He encountered several surprising strainers and he capsized.  The cutoff for the race is 9:00 p.m. Finish is at Bastrop. He stated that this is one of the best races in Texas. Alice Nissen gave a trip report on the lower San Bernard at Hanson Riverside Park and stated the water level was so low that the saltwater barrier wall was seen in full. She also reported on the trip she co-sponsored with Fran Wilcox at Sheldon Lake. It was a clear and crisp day. Eagles were seen as well as an Egyptian goose and 2 white pelicans. Christy Long reported on the 10-mile Dickinson Bayou trip, stating that they saw a zebra and lots of birds. On March 5, the Buffalo Bayou Regatta will take place. Bruce stated the regatta is not an HCC event, but it is on the calendar. It’s a 14 ½ mile race. One can compete or not compete.  Bruce also compiles mileage for non-HCC events. March 4-6 is the San Marcos River Cleanup, section 2. HCC members are invited to stay at Tom’s, who will provide trash bags, dinner and one night camping. Sign up on event calendar.

Tim Brooking gave the boatswain report: He stated that in January we admitted two new members and had 19 renewals, for a total of 141 members and 787 Facebook followers.

Bob Naeger gave the purser report. He stated that January income was $325, expenses were $140, checking account balance was $7,436. Our CD earned 55 cents interest for a balance of $21,662.

Tom Douglas gave the conservation report. He stated it is now safe to paddle Cypress Creek between TC Jester and Strack Drive West. Clear Creek Watershed Partnership is starting up, which is a citizen-driven process to gather data. The first meeting to be held March 3 at 6 p.m. If you sign up for the Trash Bash on March 26, you get a free tee-shirt and lunch. HCC will participate as a group on Armand Bayou. Natalie might take a short paddle afterwards if you wish to join her. Tom also recommended a new book, “Viva Texas Rivers.” There is an exhibit at Texas State University at San Marcus of the same name. He also talked about the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia, the largest blackwater swamp in the US, and the proposed mining of sand and titanium.  He asked us to send a message opposing this proposal to Georgia Environmental Protection. He talked again about the long-standing problem of the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir project in Dallas. Detailed information in the February newsletter.

Constantin Platon gave the safety minute and talked about dry suits. There are rubber gaskets around the neck, wrists and ankles which prevent water from getting inside the suit. One can wear normal clothes that will stay dry. The suit's price ranges from $500 to $1200. The second-best option would be a neoprene wet suit. Some water gets inside and makes a film, which the body heats up and keeps the body warm. Ray Andrews informed us about a semi-dry suit where the neck is neoprene. He recommended polypropylene inside to collect moisture. Frank Ohrt brought up the importance of wearing PFDs.

Christy Long talked about the newsletter. She requested all to send in their trip reports in a timely manner. We still need help with the web site.

Christy introduced the speaker, Thomas Jackson, aka “TJ.” She found him on our Facebook page where he was posting some interesting trips on the Neches River. TJ stated that since his college days, he has had a “life-long love affair with the Neches River.” Best time to go is early Spring, mid-February to mid-March. He has seen beaver, ibis, cranes, alligators, king fishers, anhinga, wood ducks. river otters, owls, pigs, and very few fellow paddlers; and cypress trees, oak, sweet gum, and pine trees. He recommended “Paddling the Wild Neches,” by Richard Donovan and stated it has good detail of the Neches River. No shuttle services available. Rental canoes at Big Thicket Adventures. The water quality is good between SH21 and SH59 because of no farmland. Primitive camping allowed everywhere. Good day-trip opportunities: the Big Slough trip SH21, 7 miles; Forest Road 2829 to Hwy 21, 11 miles; SH7 to 59 and SH7 to 94, 13 miles; Steinhagen Lake, put-in below dam; lower Neches at Big Thicket National Preserve and Village Creek a great place to paddle with family, put-in closer to Big Thicket headquarters. Good longer trip opportunities: put-in at Sheffield Ferry at Spurger to SH96, 54 miles; SH7 to SH59, 42 miles; Big Slough SH21 to SH7, 32 miles (easy access and beautiful but can be challenging because of narrow channels and swampy areas where one can get lost); US59-US69, 44 miles; US96 to 10, 39 miles. South of Lake Palestine is more of a creek and not recommended.  For more details of his presentation, see his slide show in the March Newsletter. TJ’s informative program was well received and enjoyed by all.

Christy stated that the next month’s speaker is Janice Walden who is involved with the Don Green Nature Park. Christy requested that ideas for speakers be submitted to Constantin.

Natalie stated that the March meeting will be a hybrid meeting: one can Zoom or meet in person at Bayland Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
February 2, 2021

Officers in attendance via Zoom were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Constantin Platon, Vice Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Also present was Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman.


Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Last board meeting minutes were unanimously approved.

Constantin Platon gave the vice commodore report. He stated that Tom Jackson will speak at the next general meeting on expeditions down the Neches River. Tom will have a practice session with Christy on Friday. Constantin will do the safety minute for the general meeting and talk about dry suits in cold water conditions. No speaker is confirmed for the March meeting, which Constantin will be unable to attend. Christy stated she will contact Janice Walton for the March meeting. Janice is a member of the Don Green Nature Park Project.


Bob Naeger gave the purser report. He stated that the Quicken files are backed up on two separate servers. He explained how he estimates his monthly budget figures. We approved of his method. He filed Form 802 with the state. He did 1099-N for taxes. He updated payment information, i.e., changed purser on Bank Card. Kent Walters’ name is on Zoom account. Should we remove? Natalie said yes. Bob said he will change. Table with annual obligations updated and will distribute to board members. Donations and contributions were discussed. Bob showed in 2021 $100 to TRPA and $100 to American Whitewater. The budget is for $200. Natalie thought that seemed low. Bob stated it can be changed.


Christy Long thanked Tim, Kent and Alice for their contributions to the Newsletter. She is hoping to do a different format with web express. John Rich agreed to check the website and will help with corrections if needed. She also stated that we are doing okay with Facebook and more of our members are posting trip pictures. Christy has received 50 If-Found stickers and paddle reflectors from Todd Wilkinson. They will be given out at the next in-house meeting in March. It was mentioned that the writing stays on longer if you sand it lightly before writing, use fabric markers, and cover with clear packing tape.


As Bruce Bodson was absent, Natalie reported on upcoming trip events. Christy and Karen Suggs are planning a 9-mile trip on Dickinson Bayou and a 15-mile trip on Buffalo Bayou. Fran and Alice have a trip planned on Sheldon Lake.


Tim Brooking gave the membership report and stated we have two new members, for a total of 141 members and 787 Facebook followers. Trudi Smith said we could set up a booth at the Buffalo Regatta on March 5 and they would provide chairs and table but no tent. Tim stated he will be participating in the regatta and will not be able to man the booth. Volunteers would be needed.


Tom Douglas talked about ADA, handicap launch platforms. The Trash Bash on March 26 was discussed. If you sign up early, you get a free lunch and a tee-shirt. There is an optional paddle after lunch. Natalie will send a notice on the forum for the trash bash. At the general meeting, Tom will cover his highly recommended new book, “Viva Texas Rivers.” Fifty-eight authors contributed to this book. There is an exhibit of the same name at Texas State University at San Marcus. He will also talk about the Okefenokee Swamp and the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir in Dallas, as well as T.C. Jester Stormwater detention basin. Tom said that TRPA needs a new board member if anyone is interested. Christy said she would talk to Susan Eda. David Reichert’s name was brought up.


Meeting adjourned by Natalie at 8:08 p.m. 

Recorder, Alice Nissen