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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-02 3 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes
by Alice Nissen

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
January 12, 2022

Meeting via Zoom was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Natalie Wiest, Commodore. Officers in attendance and introduced were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder; Constantin Platon, Vice Commodore. Also present were Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman and Ann Derby, Sergeant at Arms.


First order of business was approval of last meeting minutes by Frank Ohrt, which were unanimously approved.


Tim gave the boatswain report and stated that in December we gained two new members, had 11 renewals, for a total membership of 140 and 777 Facebook followers. He also introduced one of our new members in attendance, Gary Faust, who told us he had just moved here from Colorado, has been an avid canoeist most of his life, and is looking forward to taking trips with the club.


Bob gave the purser report and stated we are in good shape and running a balanced budget.


Bruce gave the fleet captain’s report and stated we had 43 trips in 2021, for a total of 630 miles, with 70 participants comprising 56 HCC members and 14 others. Bruce led 19 trips, Natalie 9, Fran Wilcox 3, Kent Walters 2, Tom Douglas and Linda Shead 2, Chris Arceneaux 2, Frank Ohrt 2, and Christy Long 1. Eight people reached the 100-mile mark: Bruce Bodson 315, Constantin Platon 154, Brent Hwang 130, Christy Long 123, Bob Naeger 123, Tim Brooking 106, David Portz 105 and Kent Walters 104 miles. Honorable mention for those 50-99 miles, highest to lowest were Ken McCormick, Kenny Pape, Amy McGee, Natalie Wiest, Fran Wilcox, Karen Suggs, David Barrett and Alice Nissen. He also stated we have already had official trips in 2022 for a total of 34 miles: San Jacinto Wilderness, and Peach Creek and Caney Creek Bird Counts where they sited 43 difference species of birds and 4-5 unique species; and the Texas Winter 100 K from Longhorn Dam in Austin to Little Webberville Park on the Colorado River. Both trips were very cold and windy. Christy and Karen are planning a trip event for February 12 on the Buffalo Bayou and Alice and Fran have an event scheduled for January 18 on the San Bernard at Hanson Riverside Park.


Tom gave the conservation report: TC Jester Stormwater Detention Basin: Beginning January 6, north side of Cypress Creek will be under construction. Check with Harris County Flood Control if you plan to paddle this site. Trash Bash, March 26: There are 14 different locations you can sign up for. has more information as well as HCC’s paddling forum. HCC usually participates at Armand Bayou. Okeefenokee Swamp: Tom wants us to help save one of our natural treasures: the 438,000-acre Okeefenokee Swamp. A strip-mining company wants to mine 8000 acres for titanium salts.  For more information see the link on the HCC forum and send a message to stop the project to Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir: There is a proposition to dam 20 miles of the Sulphur River, which would include 66,000 acres of forested and ranch lands in the Dallas area. Learn more on websites: “Preserve Northeast Texas” and “Dallas Sierra Club.” To voice opposition, sign Preserve Northeast Texas petition or send email with comments to Region C Water Planning Group at


Christy stated that everything is fine with the newsletter. She reminded us that everyone is welcome to submit any report they would like. She informed us that our membership information can be accessed by non-members, and one should edit any personal information you don’t want the public to have access to.


Constantin gave the safety minutes. He stated the risk of hypothermia is imminent when the water temperature plus the air temperature equals 120 or less and that one can only survive being in the water under this condition for 15 minutes. He recommended always bringing a waterproof bag with dry clothes.

Constantin introduced the speaker, Todd Wilkinson, DSO-MS, of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Paddle Craft Program. In 2020, paddling was the fastest growing platform because of cost, COVID, no formal training required, and easy to purchase boats. With that, fatalities were on the rise due to no formal training, limited understanding of navigation rules and not wearing lifejackets (Coast Guard does not use term PFD). Most kayakers 25-44 age group and 63% paddle 3 or less times a year. CGA offers 20–30-minute safety checks in your home, park or other location as an individual or group. Looks at condition of safety equipment and provides check list of what you need and the rules and regulations. Check list includes lifejacket, sound producing device, overall vessel condition, hatch covers, serviceable paddle, navigation lights, visual distress signals, deck lines, GPS, spare paddle, cell phone or radio. They will give you a sticker if you meet requirements. Life jackets should be comfortable and good quality; type III recommended. Wear bright clothing; cotton not recommended. Use paddle reflectors. They provide boat stickers for your name and address. Recommend carrying ID in your dry bag. Leave float plan with a friend. Helmets for white water. Plan and prepare, dispose of waste, leave sites the way you found them. For free download of latest requirements, vessel safety check, navigation rules. You can file your float plans with them, report hazards or suspicious activity and ask for emergency assistance. To contact Todd,

February speaker will be Thomas Jackson who will present a program on the lower Neches River. Our next general meeting will most likely be held on Zoom. Meeting was adjourned by Natalie at 8:52 p.m.



Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
January 5, 2021

Board Meeting via Zoom. Officers in attendance were Natalie Wiest, Commodore; Bob Naeger, Purser; Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain; Tim Brooking, Boatswain; Christy Long, Newsletter Editor; Alice Nissen, Recorder. Also present was Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman.


Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. She began the meeting stating that the position of Webmaster is still open and suggested posting an ad for the position. She also questioned whether hiring someone for the position would be an option. Tom suggested contacting Carol Woronow, a member of HCC, who “does a great job handling the web for the Sierra Club.” Natalie suggested asking John Rich if he would be interested in the position. Christy will call Chris Arceneaux, a member of HASK and HCC, to see if he has any suggestions, as HASK also uses Club Express. 


Tom Douglas presented Christy with bilge sponge balls for all the extra work she has taken on for HCC.


Bruce Bodson stated that the first bird count in 2022 was on January 2nd. Real contributions to bird counts were made in 2021 as they were able to see birds not seen on land. He outlined that in 2021 there were 43 trips for a total of 630 miles. Seventy different people participated in the trips, which included 56 members and 14 nonmembers. Ten people led trips. Seven people had 100 plus miles Bruce stated he will show a breakdown of stats at the general meeting.


Bob Naeger gave a general rundown of our financial status and proposed budget for 2022. Bob stated he can set up month-by-month with Quicken. Current checking account balance $7000 and we have a substantial CD. He stated we have an obligation to send our financial reports to members and that this financial breakdown will be published in the February newsletter. Since holding the position of purser Bob stated he has updated signature cards; he obtained on-line access; he obtained a debit card on the club account in his name; he received the Quicken data file from Kent and extracted historical spending data; he picked up the post office key from Frank and delivered to Alice; he paid a few bills; he went through all the paper files and shredded detritus, i.e., canceled checks from long ago. Natalie asked Alice to please not discard mail but bring it to the meetings for members to view.


Christy Long brought up who decides about donations and contributions. Natalie stated it will be discussed next month. Christy stated that she has now figured out how to change the background on the Newsletter.


Tim Brooking stated there were 2 new members in December, 11 renewals, 140 total membership and 777 Facebook members.


Discussion about Facebook ensued: Who can post? Christy would like input on the person using our FB to advertise his trips. She has allowed him only one post per month. His trips are not a club liability. Constantin invited him to join our club. She wants to post on FB that HCC has trips as well.  Bruce suggested advertising trips on FB is per trip leader’s discretion. Discussion about attracting more members via FB.


Tom Douglas stated he will present at the general meeting next week details of the Trash Bash on March 26th, the Okefenokee Swamp proposition, the Dallas Sulphur River reservoir proposition, and the status of flood control work on Cypress Creek.


Meeting adjourned by Natalie at 8:08 p.m. 

Recorder, Alice Nissen