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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-01 8 Commodore's Report

From the Commodore’s Corner
The Year Behind Us and the Year Ahead

January 2022
by Natalie Wiest

2021 has been one wild ride, and as I’m writing this note, it’s not behind us yet.  Little is left of the year of surprises, awakenings, new techniques learned and many discarded.  I never expected to have to develop capabilities with Zoom and could have hardly done it without the help of fellow Board members, Christy Long and Kent Walters in particular on that watch.  By year’s end the Board conducted its first of 2021 in person meeting, complete with new computer and a successful test of the meeting being a hybrid; Zoom and in person simultaneously.  There is a strong possibility that will continue in 2022 as the COVID virus surges and an in person general meeting may go partially or complete virtual – AGAIN.


The work of the entire Board is what makes our club tick.  A big thank you to our “retiring” Board members Kent Walters as Purser and Frank Ohrt as Recorder.  If you haven’t entertained yourself by reading Frank’s minutes of the meetings, you have one more chance for new material in the January 2022 newsletter.  Alice Nissen will become our new Recorder.  Her past experience includes being the Vice Commodore and Boatswain.  Bob Naeger has twice been Commodore of HCC (once way back when, and another time to fill out Honey Leveen’s term) and Purser as well.  He will take over as the 2022 Purser as Kent enjoys moving to the countryside of Arkansas – but promises to at least occasionally lead canoe trips in his new home state.  Christy Long has been our “everything” person of the year; Vice Commodore, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster.  Surely some one of you can take over the Webmastering thing (see request in newsletter).  Constantin Platon takes over the Vice Commodore duties.  I’m sure he would love to hear from you if you have suggestions for programs for our meetings.  New member Tim Brooking becomes our Boatswain (membership coordinator).  Bruce Bodson stays on as our Fleet Captain, and Tom Douglas as our appointed Conservation Chair.  Christy continues as Newsletter Editor, and I will be Commodore for one more year.


Houston Canoe Club continues as a Paddle America Club under the auspices of the American Canoe Association (ACA).  That gives the HCC officers some manner of protection for club business and the work we do to provide a safe and fun exposure to canoeing and kayaking for our members and guests.  Paddle America is behind the business of waivers and club trips. The short story is if you paddle on a Houston Canoe Club trip, you need to be a member of ACA, $40 per person per year, or purchase a $10 single event fee.  It’s a nuisance for those of us who are trip coordinators, and we solicit your continued cooperation and understanding.  On top of that the ACA seems to be in the throes of trying to figure out who they are and how they interact with high level canoe and kayak competitions.  More exciting information will come.


All that nitty gritty aside, let’s look forward to a year of paddling and friendship.  I certainly do and 2022, ready or not, here we come.


Peace, love, and keep on paddling

 (click to enlarge)

Natalie Wiest,

Commodore, Houston Canoe Club

December 20, 2022

(Photo circa 1990, Colorado River by Mary Z)


The author, Natalie Wiest