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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2022-01 7 New Photo Album

New Photo Albums
November and December 2021

The following are links to new photo albums that have recently been added to the HCC web site. If you haven't been checking the "Photos" page for updates, this will get you caught up on what HCC members have been doing. Members are much better at posting photo albums than they are about writing trip reports. These photo albums are proof that just because you don't see trip reports, it doesn't mean that members aren't out paddling!

Lake Charlotte-HCC Christmas Paddle and Party, Dec 12, 2021, by Joe Coker
Lake Charlotte - Group Going Back to Party, Dec 12, 2021, by Constantin Platon
Lake Charlotte - Group Going Out to Paddle, Dec 12, 2021, by Constantin Platon
San Bernard River, Dec 4, 2021, By Joe Coker
San Bernard River, Jenny's Photo Album, Dec 4, 2021, by Gregory Fan
Brazos River, Rosenberg to Sugar Land, Nov 22, 2021, by Bruce Bodson
Brazos River, Turtle Bayou, Sept 11, Sept 25, 2021, by Karen Suggs
Norway Fjords, by Karen Suggs
Hawaiian Outrigger, by Karen Suggs