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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2022-01 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Last Meeting Minutes
by Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
December 12, 2021
Christmas Paddle and Party

See Trip report by Natalie Wiest. Trip Report End of Year Paddle and Christmas Party  

Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
December 1, 2021
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: Frank Ohrt

Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and incoming 2022 officers Constantine Platon and Tim Brooking.


Ms. Long noted that the US Coast Guard has a new “app” for coastal boating, and reported that she had spoken to Mr. T. J. Wilkinson about a future presentation. She then asked the board to consider having an “in person” meeting in January.


Ms. Wiest introduced Mr. Platon and Mr. Brooking, who spoke briefly about their personal history and how they got involved in paddle sports. The other officers then did the same. Ms. Wiest then related the tribulations of changing the names of officers listed as signatories to the club bank account, to reflect the fact of having a new Purser. Much sympathy was expressed by the Recorder.


Ms. Long noted that the newsletter had gone out that day, and that the club website was doing fine.


Ms. Wiest reminded everyone that the club needs a Webmaster.


Mr. Walters told us, for the final time, that the club’s finances were in fine shape. So long, Kent, and happy paddling! We’ll miss you.


Ms. Nissen reported that we need to re-order HCC car stickers.


Mr. Ohrt was reminded that he needed to bring the old club computer, projector, and cords to the Christmas Party. (Of course, he forgot.)


Mr. Platon asked if the club should participate in the Anahuac Gator Festival. The consensus view was that it would be good exposure, but the festival isn’t exactly “eco-friendly”. There was discussion of where else we might set up an HCC booth/pop-up canopy to publicize the club.


Mr. Douglas announced that the annual Trash Bash would be held on March 26. Mr. Ohrt added that the 2022 San Marcos River Clean-up would be March 5.


Ms. Wiest then recounted the club history, corporate structure, and the club’s 501(c)(4) status for the new officers (and some old ones).


She then discussed the perennial problem of ACA insurance. She said it’s still a mess, and a big pain, and, after discussion of possible alternatives, it was agreed that none of them were viable. SOSO.


Ms. Nissen talked about the upcoming Christmas paddle and picnic at Cedar Hill Park.


Ms. Long noted that some non-members were posting their own paddle trips on our Facebook page and asked if we should continue to allow it. There were plusses and minuses mentioned, and the can was successfully kicked down the road.


Ms. Wiest then adjourned the meeting.


Note: This will be my last submission of minutes, so, like Richard Nixon, you will not have me to kick around anymore. I’ll surely feel a twinge when first Wednesdays roll around, but I’ll drown it in Indian food and masala tea. Best wishes to Alice, the in-coming Recorder. She is manifestly more qualified than I ever was and will do just fine.


Frank Ohrt