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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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Homenl-2021-12 8 Linda Shead

Linda Shead Recognized for
Her Work in Coastal Conservation
November 13, 2021
by Tom Douglas

On November 13, Houston Canoe Club member Linda Shead was recognized as “One in a Million Women in Coastal Conservation.”  The award was presented by the non-profit Artist Boat at its Coastal Heritage Preserve on West Galveston Island. Congratulations to Linda!


Linda Shead (right) Accepting Award


Here is the text of the award:


“For her unrelenting vision of restoring Galveston Bay’s marshes and ecosystems. She is an avid facilitator, participant, and activator in moving conservation plans forward. Her actions result in restored ecosystems, acquired and permanently protected lands, and implemented plans that occur across decades. Linda is an environmental engineer and an avid paddler. Her work has resulted in the creation of 1000’s of acres of restored marshes and over 1,000 acres of permanently protected lands.


She is a dedicated supporter of Artist Boat who knows that the children who experience the birds, water and breezes of our island are the same kids who become stewards of our island and bays of Texas. Her activism results in protection of critical ecosystems (coastal dunes, wetlands, and prairies) assuring a future for children and wildlife in Texas.


The Coastal Heritage Preserve provides a pristine place for all the children in Galveston to have unique and inspiring coastal experiences. She has been pivotal in its creation.


Linda Shead’s community service exemplifies Artist Boat’s mission to promote awareness and preservation of coastal margins and the marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts.” 


You can learn more at the Float the Boat Award 2021 website.  

The author, Tom Douglas