Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Officer Nominating Committee chair Bob Naeger.
Ms Wiest asked that the past meeting’s minutes be accepted, and they were. She can do it again, at the general meeting.
Ms. Nissen reported that there were no new members since mid-August. She then asked about the Christmas Party. It was decided that it would be held on Dec. 12th, at Cedar Hill Park. It was suggested that the club have a big pot of gumbo, or chili, rather than turkey, etc. Mr. Douglas asked for a gluten-free option. The other officers grudgingly agreed.
Mr. Bodson said there had been few club trips - only a few on the Brazos and a practice paddle for the Old River 50 race. Ms. Nissen announced a trip on the lower San Bernard River, led by herself and Fran Wilcox.
Mr. Ohrt said he would get the club mail before the next general meeting.
Mr. Douglas announced a symposium on “green” infrastructure, to be held by the Bayou Preservation Society, and the Hidalgo Falls Texas River Festival on Oct. 9-10.
Mr. Naeger said he had nominations for all club officer positions: Ms. Wiest (Commodore), Constantine Platon (Vice Commodore), Ms. Nissen (Recorder), himself (Purser), Ms. Long (Newsletter Editor), Mr. Bodson (Fleet Captain), and Tim Brooking (Boatswain).
Ms Wiest recalled that Mr. Naeger held an incoming officers’ orientation when he was Commodore, and asked if the current officers could do the same at the December board meeting. Everyone agreed. She suggested that it be at an in-person meeting, at 7:30. She then said that the club had reserved the library at Bayland park for its 2022 board meetings.
Ms. Long said she had finished the October Newsletter, and thanked Ms. Nissen for her help.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.