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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2021-11 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting

October 13, 2021


Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore/Newsletter Editor Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present was Conservation Chair Tom Douglas.

Ms. Long said that she had a good program for the evening, and that the club still needed a Webmaster. She added that she was trying to get the newsletter done before she goes on vacation, and asked all regular contributors to get a move on. She thanked Alice Nissen for entering articles and trip reports in the club archives.

Ms. Wiest asked that the last meetings’ minutes be approved. They were.

Ms. Nissen said that there were no new members since her last report. She then re-affirmed that the Christmas Party would be Dec. 12th.

Mr. Bodson reported six trips in the past month. these, and their leaders, were:

Sept. 11: Neches River Rally, Alice Nissen and Fran Wilcox;
Sept. 12: Brazos River, FM 529 - FM 1458, Bruce Bodson;
Sept. 25: Brazos River, SH 21 - FM 60, Bruce Bodson;
Oct. 2, Buffalo Bayou Regatta, Harmon Everett;
Oct. 8-9: Texas River Festival, Hidalgo Falls, Bruce Bodson;
Oct. 11: Cedar Bayou/Ash Lake, Tom Douglas and Chris Arceneaux.

Upcoming trips and leaders announced were:

Oct. 16: Reconnaissance for the Lost River 50, Bruce Bodson;
Oct, 23: Lost River 50, Bruce Bodson;
Oct. 30: Brazos River, FM 413 - FM 979, Bruce Bodson;
Nov. 6: Goliad Falls flotilla, Fran Wilcox;
Nov. 6: Wharton/Peach Creek CBC reconnaissance, San Bernard River, Bruce     Bodson.

Carl Kuhnen showed slides of a recent trip to Lake Powell, AZ.

Mr. Douglas raised the alarm over a proposed landfill on Peach Creek, in San Jacinto County. He gave several reasons why it’s a bad, bad idea, and asked for members to comment to the TCEQ. He then noted that an Arizona federal judge had rescinded a Trump-era rule on protection of “Waters of the United States.” He further noted an HGAC study of water quality in the Cotton Bayou watershed. Other announcements included a map from a Rice University study of toxic surface water run-off risk in Harris County, a recorded symposium on “green” infrastructure by the Bayou Preservation Society, and a webinar on using the new USGS river gauges website.

Bob Naeger announced the slate of nominees for club officers for the coming year. These are:

Commodore - Natalie Wiest;
Vice Commodore - Constantin Platon;
Purser - Bob Naeger;
Recorder - Alice Nissen;
Fleet Captain - Bruce Bodson;
Boatswain - Tim Brooking;
Newsletter Editor - Christy Long.

He noted that the election of officers would take place during the November meeting, and said that any other nominations were welcome.

Ms. Long introduced Kim Sorensen of the TP&WD, who spoke about TPWD’s boater safety and education programs.

Ms. Wiest adjourned the meeting


HCC Board Meeting
October 6, 2021
by Frank Ohrt

Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Officer Nominating Committee chair Bob Naeger.


Ms Wiest asked that the past meeting’s minutes be accepted, and they were. She can do it again, at the general meeting.


Ms. Nissen reported that there were no new members since mid-August. She then asked about the Christmas Party. It was decided that it would be held on Dec. 12th, at Cedar Hill Park. It was suggested that the club have a big pot of gumbo, or chili, rather than turkey, etc. Mr. Douglas asked for a gluten-free option. The other officers grudgingly agreed.


Mr. Bodson said there had been few club trips - only a few on the Brazos and a practice paddle for the Old River 50 race. Ms. Nissen announced a trip on the lower San Bernard River, led by herself and Fran Wilcox.


Mr. Ohrt said he would get the club mail before the next general meeting.


Mr. Douglas announced a symposium on “green” infrastructure, to be held by the Bayou Preservation Society, and the Hidalgo Falls Texas River Festival on Oct. 9-10.


Mr. Naeger said he had nominations for all club officer positions: Ms. Wiest (Commodore), Constantine Platon (Vice Commodore), Ms. Nissen (Recorder), himself (Purser), Ms. Long (Newsletter Editor), Mr. Bodson (Fleet Captain), and Tim Brooking (Boatswain).


Ms Wiest recalled that Mr. Naeger held an incoming officers’ orientation when he was Commodore, and asked if the current officers could do the same at the December board meeting. Everyone agreed. She suggested that it be at an in-person meeting, at 7:30. She then said that the club had reserved the library at Bayland park for its 2022 board meetings.


Ms. Long said she had finished the October Newsletter, and thanked Ms. Nissen for her help.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Frank Ohrt